Onto my stitching:) Last week I stitched up a small piece, Victoria Sampler Tiny Things, and tried my first tin finish:) Julie sent me an Altoids tin last year and I wanted to send the tin back to Julie as a thank you. Unfortunately after I'd glued the fabric inside I made the mistake of closing it up and the exposed parts of the tin went rusty so I didn't want to send it like that. Anyway I am happy with it otherwise:)
Last night was Ink Circles Sea Stars SAL with Karen and I finally finished the octopus and moved onto the ship's wheel. I love how this is stitching up and look forward to picking it up every Tuesday. I might have got more done had I not been on the Internet for a while lookin at fabrics!

I am still thinking about Quaker Christmas and I think I will probably buy it before long. It'd be nice to make a start and try and stitch it for Christmas this year but it's such a big piece it probably wouldn't happen! Although now I only have one full sized HAED on the go I feel liberated and able to stitch on other things more. Does that make sense?!!!
Take care care everyone and enjoy the rest of the week:)
We were lucky - we didn't feel it here (well, if we did, I slept through it!) I'm quite glad, I think I would have been petrified!
Lovely progress on your SS SAL and the RR piece - both are very pretty!
Yes the quake was scary! It took me over an hour to calm down enough to sleep again, but I had to sleep with the light on.
Your little tin finish looks lovely, despite its drawbacks!
I heard about the quake didn't feel anything way down here.
your SS is looking great as is the rest of your stitching, hope Abi is a bit happier now
Oh what a cute tin finish! Oh I like your progress on the SS, I have just joined a RR ,first time for me :)
How terrifying! I'm glad that you are ok!
Your stitching is superior as always...I love the tin! :)
Glad to hear you're okay! That must have been a very scary experience.
We felt it here too Sally, Amy jumped out of bed and into our room, her wardrobe doors flew open!!!
Love the tin - it's fantastic, i always use double sided tape to stick the fabric down on the inside as i had the same problem with my first one
SS has grown a lot too, as has the RR, well done
Glad to hear you are all fine.
Your tin finish looks lovely. Well done!
Your tin looks lovely, I heard of the earthquake on the news glad no one was hurt!
Your tin is so pretty, pity about the rust though.
That must have been so scary for you all. Love the tin, looks nice.
We had the earthquake here too, it woke Andy up as he felt the bed shaking and the photo frames wobbling - me, fast asleep didn't even move LOL!!!!!! I always said I could sleep through anything lol
Your tin finish is great and sea stars is looking wonderful!
I didn't feel the quake down here in the south, but my friend in Yorkshire did & thought she'd been dreaming! Glad you didn't have any damage Sally & that you're all ok.
Your Sea Stars is really coming along! The tin is gorgeous too.
How scary! So glad you are ok. I've never felt a quake..and don't want to!
I love your tin finish, such a pretty design. Your Sea Stars is really looking good...
Hugs Elisa
I am so glad you survived the earthquake intact! I was so suprised to hear of one in the UK!!! As always, your stitching is gorgeous!
Great tin finish. And that quake was pretty scary wasn't it. I had to get up, and didn't go back to bed for a couple of hours.
Earthquakes are no fun at all .. I'm glad there wasn't any damage and you were all ok .. we get them quite often on the west coast :(
love your stitching of course :) your tin is adorable!
I bet that was scary, waking up to that. I remember my first and only quake, I was pregnant with my first and playing bingo at a church with my best friend. I felt really funny and thought I had a dizzy spell which I never had before. Come to find out, when they announced we just experienced a quake. SB is so nice, just like everything else. It was nice catching up on your blog. Everything looks great.
Your Victoria Sampler is lovely!
Glad you got through the earthquake okay. I was also surprised to hear about one in the UK. And all your stitching looks fantastic. I am especially enjoying watching Sea Stars grow.
Sally, your tin is gorgeous! Congratulations :)
Everything else is looking great too!!
Sally, that tin looks just lovely! Well done!
Oh, all your stitching is so lovely, Sally... You've been so busy whilst I was MIA... I love your Tin, I think it turned out beautifully...
I'm happy to hear the Quake did no real damage by you... I know it must have been scary!!!
Thanks so much for your sweet and thoughtful comments, Hun... They mean so much to me... :-)
Just catching up! Glad you came through OK - so did we. Definitely not something I'd want to experience again in a hurry!
The tin is so pretty and SS is amazing Sally - can't wait for the next update. :0)
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