Wednesday 25 March 2015

March Stitch From Stash

Stitch from Stash reporting has soon come round again and this month has been a good one. So here's my report then I'll show my finishes and WIPs :).

March Report

Balance carried forward from February : £30.73.

Spent in March : £8.64 ( fabric and hand dyed threads for ornament auto )

Earned: £32. Yes you did read that right! ( for finishing April Cottage, September's Morning Glory, Snowy Reindeer and Spring Witch )

Balance to carry forward £79.09

Wow! I am really pleased with that.

Onto my finishes now. I can't show Spring Witch as yet. We are only able to show our finishes on the Needlecraft Haven Four Seasons SAL section until after reveal day so I'll be able to show it next week. This counts towards to my pennies earned as it's a freebie.

Next finish is this one. This also counts towards pennies earned.  Love how this one has turned out.

Cottage Garden Samplings September's Morning Glory

40 count pearl grey linen


The next one in the series, October's Marigold,  was started :)

I've already shown Snowy Reindeer, which counts to my pennies earned, so this one is my final finish which also counts.  I can now count these as I've had them in my stash over six months.

Country Cottage Needleworks April Cottage

32 count natural opalescent linen


Must get this ready to hang over the next week seen as it's the 1st April a week today!  Where is the time going?

I do have another finish which is one of my SALs with my dear friend Barb. I have to say I am enjoying these.

Country Cottage Needleworks Snow Love

32 count Petit Point Linen

Classic Colorworks and GAST

I don't think next month will be as good with finishes although you never know!

Frosty Forest has been a bit of a disaster as I had a visit from the frog. Please tell him to stay away from me in future!  Just about every stitch I put in last Wednesday had to be taken out so I was not happy! So Thursday instead of picking up my SB fob I unpicked it all and started to restitch it. I almost got it all restitched. Fingers crossed I can stitch on it this evening without messing up! Once this is finished I'll be moving my cottages to Wednesdays and doing something different on Tuesdays. I haven't decided what I'm picking up next.

I added a few more stitches to Perched on a Pumpkin. Barb is stitching Halloween Cubes by The Primitive Hare.

Final WIP is, of course,my lovely robin. Just 10 more months to finish it! I think I might be pushing it a little!

I have done something very naughty.  Yes again! Ever since Shepherd's Bush released the Shepherd's Fold last year I've been debating whether to sign up for it or not. I love each piece that has been released but when I saw the needle case that swung it for me. I contacted Fobbles asking if I signed up wou, d it be possible to have one a month until I catch up rather than have all 4 at once and they said yes! So I've gone and done it. I won't,  however, be buying the wooden Shaker box as it's way too much for me. It is lovely but I'm afraid I'm going to have to find a cheaper alternative.  Beverley at Fobbles has put the order in so I don't know when I'll get my first one. So it's a good job I have a good balance on Stitch from Stash! I had better keep it that way!

I am also still knitting away and thought it was time I showed my progress on my Arsenic and Old Lace afghan. All the strips are finished and I'm steadily getting the first insert done. Two more inserts and then the border! Help!

It has been a sad time for our family of late. My Auntie Joan (my Mum's brothers wife ) passed away on 20th February and my Auntie Mary ( my Dad's sister ) passed away on 21st March.  She was my Dad's last remaining sibling and I feel as though I have lost part of him. She was a lovely lady as was my Auntie Joan and I spent a lot of time with them when I was a child. I hope that this is not going to carry on through the year.

That's it from me for now.  I am so sorry that I haven't visited your blogs yet again. I'm getting very bad at this but I will be there soon.

Take care everyone.

With much love

Sally xxx

Friday 13 March 2015

A Little Birthday Gift

Hello Fellow Bloggers. I hope this post finds you all well and warm where you are still having lots of snow. Last Saturday we had some Spring temps but now it's a bit chilly again. 

I have been stitching up a storm since I last posted and have had three finishes but I can only  show two of them. The third one is my piece for the Four Seasons SAL over on Needlecraft Haven and I can only show it on the forum before reveal day which is 31st March. 

First though I want to show you the little gift I sent to Lesleyanne for her birthday last Saturday. I'm very happy to say that Lesleyanne loves it :)

Lizzie Kate Things Unseen Pin Pillow

32 count Vintage Country Mocha linen


Birthday gift for Lesleyanne.

This was so lovely to stitch so I'm looking forward to stitching the sampler and the smaller design as well as this one again for me!

I finished my Halloween ornament for mine and Barb's SAL so I'll be starting another one on Monday. It'll be another Blue Ribbon Designs one.

Blue Ribbon Designs Owls in Moonlight ( October 2014 JCS magazine )

40 count Sand linen


I also decided to get on and finish this one.

Little House Needleworks Blessed

32 count Vintage Country Mocha linen


Thank you so much Lesleyanne for the loan of that chart. Hopefully postie should have delivered it back to you this week :)

Of course these now need making up! I'll be delving into my fabric and trims stash to see what I can find!

Everything else is getting some progress made on them. I'm getting more and more determined to finish both the Frosty Series and the My Garden Journal series so I have can some new starts! Lol! Plus I earn extra pennies for Stitch From Stash when I finish things from my stash I've had more than 6 months! 

So here's Frosty Forest. The final block is started and shouldn't take too long to stitch. 

September's Morning Glory is almost done. I've had an extra few hours on this when I finished my Halloween ornament on Monday. 

Barb and I started our next Christmas ornament last Friday. We started Snow Love which is just so cute! I managed to get quite a bit done and am looking forward to doing more on it tonight :)

Last night I picked up my Shepherd's Bush Four Seasons fob which I started God knows how long ago but I decided to get it out again and finish it this time before I start anything new on Thursdays! I forgot to take a photo though but the back is now finished and the front is started! Thursdays, I think, are going to be another SAL night for Barb and I. This SAL will be for Shepherd's Bush pieces :) I will tell you why later in the year!

The April Cottage is looking rather lovely in lilac :)

Last, but by no means least, progress on my lovely robin :)

I updated my for sale page with a couple more bits. Please take a look and see if there's anything you might like. My email is in my profile.

That's all for now. Take care everyone. Thank you for visiting and for all your lovely comments :)

With much love

Sally xx

Thursday 5 March 2015

December SAL is Finished!

Yay! I have a finish! Yes it's my December SAL with Chris at long last. I was determined to get it finished last Thursday so I stayed up until it was all done. I found some bits that I'd missed so couldn't go to bed until I was sure I had filled them all in!

UB Designs Beerenherz im Winter

32 count nougat linen


SAL with Chris.

I'm not sure how I'm going to finish it off yet. Maybe framing,  maybe a wall hanging or maybe a cushion! I really love how it turned out.

I've also been doing a little bit of making up so here's Dear Santa and Spell of the Moon.

Both charts are still for sale along with Angels if anyone is interested. Just email me :).

I thought I might have a new start now the SAL is finished but I remembered I have my NH four seasons SAL to finish and the  Blessed ornament as well as an SB fob I started ages ago so I think I'll concentrate on those for now.

I've been busy stitching away in the virtual parlour on Wednesday evenings with Barb and the other ladies and here is where I am at with Frosty Forest :). I finished Snowy Reindeer last night so that will be some pennies earned for Stitch from Stash this month! It's going so well and I'm getting quite excited as it's almost done! This has been so fun to stitch.

My sweet robin is growing slowly but surely. There is a fair bit of confetti in that tree which drives me a bit mad so I shall be pleased to see the back of this page!

More progress on September's Morning Glory. These flowers are rather pretty and big!

Barb and I are still stitching away on our Halloween pieces.  Barb will be starting another one on Monday as she has finished her witch but I am still on Owls in Moonlight. As you can see I just have the border to do. Loving this one!

I made a start on the April Cottage last week and stitched a little more this week. I really like these cottages and the colours in them. March is up and on display :).

This Friday Barb and I will be starting our next ornament Snow Love which is snow cute!! I've been looking forward to this one ever since I first saw it! Love the fabric it is stitched on.  It's a shame these ornaments are put away in a box for much of the year.

That's all from me for now. I have another finish but as it is a gift I can't show it until it has been received.

Until next time take care everyone.

With much love

Sally xxx