Not so good morning from a rather chilly, windy, rainy north east coast of England! Brrrrr it's more like Autumn right now ( although further North Winter as they've had snow!) and according to newspaper reports it's not going to get any better for the first 2 weeks of June. I reckon we'll be having a heatwave at Christmas at this rate. Not that I want a heatwave as I don't like it really hot but some warmth would be nice!
I've been getting on with my stitching and have had a couple of finishes one of which I can't show just yet as it's winging it's way overseas but as soon as it's been received I'll pop up a photo.
My other finish is my May ornament for the Christmas All Year Round SAL. It's only taken me a couple of mornings ( 2 hour sessions) at craft group so I am really pleased. My bird's legs are a bit shorter than they should be I'm afraid as I quite clearly wasn't concentrating properly!
Lizzie* Kate Flora McSample 2012 Ornaments Rejoice
32 count rose Gander Linen
Started 14th May 2013
Finished 21st May 2013.
Monday evening was sheepy night with my dear friend Barb so here's my progress on Peace. I just love these sheep. Have you seen the newest one Faith? So pretty. I have to say all these little sheep so far have been so apt for me this year.
Wednesday evening was a new start and a new SAL with Lainey and Mouse and I'm also stitching along with the ladies in the parlour at Needlecraft Haven. Here's my start on Little House Needleworks Curly Q Ewe. I'm stitching on 36 count Flax linen using DMC and Crescent Colours.
Onto my HAEDs now and a little more progress on Guardian. I am so pleased with how this looking and I am just in awe of this beautiful artwork.
QS Holly Fairy is going very well! On Sunday I had an afternoon to myself as my DH and Abi went to Scunthorpe to the speedway so I settled down with Holly with the intention of getting the main part finished so it just left me with the blue and black background and I did it! I've stitched a bit of the background on Tuesday so this is where I was at after Tuesday. I did some more last night and have almost for all the blue done but I couldn't be bothered to take a new photo!
Finally I started page 2 of QS Spirit of Winter Robin on Sunday evening. I'm loving the colours in this.

Thank you all for your visits and lovely comments and all your good wishes for my blood tests. They all came back clear which is good but it doesn't explain why I've been feeling like I have. She gave me some decongestants when I was there last and she suggested I keep taking them until I've been taking them 2 weeks then stop and see what happens. Also it looks as though I'm going to have to go for surgery again ( yep I've been saying all along it didn't feel right) but I've put off being referred for now as I don't think Abi would cope with me having surgery again at the moment although my doctor said I have to stop putting myself to the bottom and put myself first plus I had another test and I want to see what the results say before I make my decision and that I am very worried about. I can't really put into words how fed up I feel right now and I thank God I have my stitching to keep me sane! Sorry I do try to keep my blog just about stitching and keep it upbeat as much as I can.
Better news my sister and I have accepted an offer we had on my Dad's house so fingers crossed it goes through without hitches. We are waiting for the gentleman to get a survey done and are hoping to hear soon that the sale is going ahead. I want to get all of that out of the way before I decide on whether to have surgery or not so that I don't have to worry about that.
I'm sorry that I haven't been commenting lately. I really must get my finger out and get visiting.
That's all my stitching and news for now.
With much love.