Tuesday 29 May 2012

A Little Knitting and Lots of Stitching

I am still stitching and knitting away and doing as I'm told and not doing much of anything else. I still have a nap some days depending on how I feel. I have been feeling a bit low as I'm not convinced that my surgery has done what it should so I have been thinking about seeing my GP but I have to rely on my DH to take me in the car as I know I won't make it that far walking. I don't really want to waste an appointment when I would just basically be asking for reassurance so, as I had to ring to get an appointment for Abi's repeat blood tests, I asked if my GP could ring me and lo and behold they do phone appointments! I never knew that. Anyway she had none left for today so she's ringing me tomorrow. I know I'm probably worrying about nothing as it's probably still swollen and bruised but I just need that reassurance. 

So I've been stitching and knitting quite a bit since my last post. Not sure where to start so guess the finishes would be a good place.

Chessie & Me Scarlet's Christmas Sampler

36 count Lakeside Linens Vintage Pearled Barley Linen


Started 18th May 2012

Finished 27th May 2012

I absolutely loved stitching this one although there are a few mistakes where I've stitched the wrong colour ( part of the tree and the pot) plus I chose not to stitch the smyrnas and just did cross stitches instead.

Next finish is my SB SAL with Barb.

Shepherd's Bush Our Hearts Pincushion ( as kitted)

Started 14th May 2012

Finished 28th May 2012.

I do have to add the buttons but it'll have to wait until I'm allowed to lift an iron so I can get the creases out!

Last Wednesday Mouse and I started our SAL of Little House Needleworks A Stitcher's Heart/ Shakespeare's Peddler Gentle Stitches. This is my little bit.

I've been enjoying stitching The Sampler Girl Northanger Abbey and stitched loads on it on Sunday.

I treated myself in The Sampler Girl's Memorial Day sale to her new Queen's Diamond Jubilee Sampler. I much prefer to buy printed patterns but decided on the PDF of this one or it wouldn't get stitched in time. I made a small start on it yesterday.

Please excuse my photos. The colours are not true to life as I took them in a bit of a hurry and not where I normally take them.

Last week I had some lovely cards and gifts through the post. First off my dear friend Elaine sent me a lovely card, a gorgeous Shepherd's Bush ornament and a knitting magazine. See the red jumper? I'd love to have a go at that! Thank you so much Lainey for thinking of me. I will treasure the ornament and the mag will definitely be put to good use {{{{hugs}}}}

Then my dear friend Karan sent me this lovely card and a very pretty JBW Designs chart. I'm going to start this one soon as it'll be an everlasting basket of flowers to aid my recovery :) Thank you so much for thinking of me Karan {{{{hugs}}}}

Finally I was rather confused when a Graze box popped through my letter box! It was from my dear friend Heather and her daughter Marion. Look at the yummies inside which I shared with Abi. It was delicious! Thank you so much Heather and Marion for thinking of me {{{hugs}}}

Knitting time now. I finished knitting Abi's snood on Sunday. I do have to block it and sew it up but that will have to wait. That cute little penguin is what Abi bought me when I was hospital. Isn't it sweet?

So yesterday I finally plucked up the courage to cast on the Holden Shawlette. I'm a little scared but I'm going to give it a good go! This is how far I've got. I'm using Stylecraft Special 4 ply in raspberry.

Last week I gave myself one hell of a scare. As I said in my last post I'd had a couple of short walks so when Abi got in from her lesson on Wednesday ( after my blog post) I decided I'd see if I could make it to the PO and shop around the corner. Not much further than I already walked but I got into the PO and thought I was going to pass out. I was so damned scared and I have never been so happy to see my house when we got back! It scared me so much that I didn't go out again until Saturday when we went to the hairdressers in the car and I walked the little way from the car park. It really knocked my confidence to get out but I have walked just a little way each day since. I won't overdo it again. 

That's it from me for this time. Going to get my stitching out later  and maybe also get in some knitting if I can.

Thank you for all your lovely comments. I'm only sorry that I'm not leaving many myself at the moment but I will get there!

With much love.


Wednesday 23 May 2012

Lots Of Stitching

I have lots of stitching to show. Please bear in mind that I can't do much of anything else then sleep, rest, stitch and knit so I have done a lot more stitching than I normally would have. It has been frustrating watching my DH and Abi do all the cooking, cleaning etc while I sit back but if I don't do as I'm supposed to my surgery will have been a complete waste of time and there is no way I am going back into hospital even though it was a nice one and all the staff were absolutely brilliant. So this post will be picture heavy.

My first finish was the night before I went in for my surgery.

Birds of a Feather Love

35 count white linen ( I think)


Started 1st May 2012

Finished 8th May 2012

I picked up my stitching again on the Saturday after my surgery. I had taken Little House Needleworks Snow White in with me but did not feel up to stitching.

Little House Needleworks Snow White

32 count Sparklies Pisces evenweave


Started 12th May 2012

Finished 19th May 2012

Because I sorted several projects before my surgery I actually pulled out some charts I'd had for a quite a while and one of them was this one.

Midsummer Night Designs Remember Me Stitching Pocket

32 count ivory evenweave

Crescent Colours

Started 14th may 2012

Finished 17th May 2012

This one was an absolute joy to stitch and I have to admit that I did not want to put it down. I am so pleased I bought the CC threads for it when I bought the chart. I don't think this will be my last MND piece.

Final finish is this lovely one.

Little House Needleworks Joy to the World

32 count raw linen


Started 15th May 2012

Finished 16th May 2012.

I now have three WIPs. First one is my SB SAL with Barb ( not sure if Colleen is still with us or not) and this is the front of Our Hearts Pincushion. I'll start the back next Monday.

The next one is Chessie & Me Scarlet's Christmas Sampler. I am using the fabric which came with the chart ( it's Lakeside Linens and it's gorgeous to stitch on ) with GAST. I didn't buy the limited edition ones for this so am using normal ones. I stitched more on this yesterday but couldn't be bothered to take another photo today.

Finally I couldn't resist a Sampler Girl design for my recovery period so I started Northanger Abbey.

If you've stuck with me so far thank you :) Lol! Here's a couple of photos of the cards I've received from family and friends.

My lovely friend Michelle sent me this beautiful card and pincushion which is gorgeous and really lifted my spirits. It was waiting for me when I came home from hospital. Thank you so much Michelle {{{{hugs}}}}

Another lovely friend Ann ( no blog) sent me this lovely card and pillow which I absolutely love. Thank you so much Ann for lifting my spirits {{{{hugs}}}}

My dear  friend Tricia sent me one of her beautiful hand made cards along with some pretty thread and a very yummy sounding Red Raspberry herb tea bag. Thank you so much Tricia {{{{hugs}}}}.

I am now very near at the 2 week post surgery stage and I am not doing too badly at all. Some days are better than others. I still get very tired and I don't think I've slept this well for months. From the day after my surgery right through last week I think I cried every single day! Yesterday was not brilliant as I've been feeling under the weather. I had a very short walk ( just half way down the street!) on Sunday with my DH as the patient information leaflet said I was allowed and then on Monday Abi took me out and I walked a teeny bit further. Problem is remembering not to go too far as I have to get back!

Mouse and I are starting a SAL of the Little House Needlworks/ Shakespeare's Peddler charts that were released at Nashville tonight. I'm looking forward to that :)

Thank you for reading and thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post. Not sure when I'll be back again but I'm going to try and read and comment on a few blogs today but please bear with me if I don't.

With much love.


Wednesday 16 May 2012


Mends my soul. Right now I don't know what I'd do without it as they are long days being unable to do much. I have to admit I scared myself yesterday doing something so simple. I reached up to get a large jar of chocolate hazelnut spread out of the cupboard and it pulled when I picked it up. I won't be doing that again! 

Anyway it's a week today since my surgery. I still get tired suddenly but I feel up to stitching which is a good thing. I did a little on Saturday evening when I started Little House Needleworks Snow White. Since then I've started three more things! No photos I'm afraid as I just don't have it in me to mess about taking them just yet. I might ask my DH to take some for me at the weekend. Bless him he's coming in from work and Abi's getting in from school and getting tea sorted between them etc.

Monday was the first time I'd been on my own since my surgery so I was a bit apprehensive. When Abi had gone to school I settled myself down and started Midsummer Night Designs Remember Me Stitching Pocket. I've had this for God knows how long and bought the Crescent Colours threads for it at the same time. I have to say I'm so glad I bought them rather than just stitch with DMC. The colours are just so beautiful and I have already stitched half of the design ( well what's a girl to do when she's recuperating?!). 

Monday evening was SAL night with Barb and I'm so glad that I felt up to stitching for a bit with her. That's when I had another new start with Shepherd's Bush Our Hearts Pincushion. 

Final new start was last night and Little House Needleworks Joy to the World. I've been stitching a little on that this morning.

Yesterday morning I should have been at craft club so at 10 am I picked up my knitting so that I could knit in spirit with the ladies there. No tea and biscuits for me though as there was no one here to make me a cuppa! Lol!

I'm sorry that I'm not commenting on your blogs. I have read a few. Maybe I'll feel more like it next week :)

Thank you so much for the lovely cards I have received and the gifts. You know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will post pictures when I feel like it :) 

With much love.


Saturday 12 May 2012

Just a Quicke

Just a quick post to let you know that my surgery went well and after two days in hospital I came home yesterday afternoon. I am tired, tearful and not feeling brilliant but being back home has made a whole load of difference. The hospital staff were absolutely brilliant but being home with my family and in my own bed is much better:) I don't feel up to sitting at our PC so DH has just set-up Jess' old lap top so I can catch up quickly. I feel like a right invalid as I am not allowed to do much.

I haven't stitched since the day before I went in ( I finished BOAF Love) as I haven't felt up to it but I did read a book while I was in there ( thank you Julie for sending it on to me and to Karan for asking Julie to pass it on).

Thnak you to you all for your good wishes and your hugs. I cannot tell you how much that means to me:)

With much love.


Tuesday 8 May 2012

May's Ornament & Stash

I'm on the ball with my ornament for the Christmas All Year Round SAL this month. I've finished the stitching so just need to make it up sometime.

Country Cottage Needleworks Season of Love ( JCS Ornament preview magazine)

32 count Amber permin linen


I've finally got my snood blocked and sewn up. I had to block it twice and it still curls up but I figure when it's round my neck it won't matter.

I started another. This one is for Abi.

I had more new stash. Yes I know it's naughty! I ordered from The Patchwork Rabbit on Friday and it arrived on Saturday. Fantastic service.

Just a short post today. I'm in a panic as I go in for my surgery tomorrow ( hopefully) and I'm not feeling too well. I went to craft club this morning, got sat down and I came over all funny. I had got very hot though. It could also be panic I guess. I can't stand the thought of having to cancel so hope I'll be OK for then. Otherwise I'll have to wait another 8/ 9 weeks:(

I'm afraid I haven't got caught up on blogs and won't now so I'll visit you all when I feel up to being on the PC again. See you all on the other side unless I end up not being able to go! 

With much love


Friday 4 May 2012

A Birthday Gift for Michelle :)

Yesterday was my lovely friend Michelle's birthday and having noticed her love of bluebirds :) I stitched her this:)

Blackbird Designs So Fade My Hours 

32 count evenweave ( can't remember the colour off hand!)


Started 29th March 2012

Finished 12th April 2012

Birthday gift for Michelle.

This was a joy to stitch and I just love how it turned out. It makes me happy to know that Michelle loved it too:) Happy Birthday my dear friend xxx

I've stitched a little more on BOAF Love but, boy, has this little thing been causing me some problems! I got mixed up with two symbols and stitched the wrong colour so frogged that then I realised I'd made a mistake on the man so he's higher up than he should be. He is staying that way!!!!

Finally I treated myself to an evenweave grab bag from Polstitches the other day and it arrived today. This is what I got in it and I love them.

I also treated myself to the Joan Elliott book Bewitching after seeing some lovely WIPs and finishes on the Polstitches Facebook group. It arrived today and it's fantastic. Yes I know I'm supposed to be stitching from my stash but I am still doing that! Lol!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments on my finishes the other day :) 6 Fat Men will going to the framers and I think I'll make The Journey into a pin cushion or something.

Apologies to anyone who has been unable to access my blog due to content from Shabbyblogs. Shirlee alerted me but I couldn't understand it as my blog background was not from there but I had two buttons in my sidebar so have now removed those. Thank you for the heads-up Shirlee:)

Well I'd better get myself off here and vacuum upstairs. I need to get caught up on blogs too but will do that tomorrow :)

With much love.



Wednesday 2 May 2012

At the End of My Journey and Welcome 6 Fat Men!

I am on a finishing roll so two more to go in the pile until I decide or have time to do something with them!

First finish was yesterday morning at craft club where I received a round of applause from the ladies after the last stitch went in!!! Love, love, love this finish.

Lizzie*Kate 6 Fat Men

32 count Amber linen


Started 5th October 2011

Finished 1st May 2012

SAL with Lisa.

As I should have stitched on this last night I wasn't sure quite what to pick up so as Shepherd's Bush The Journey was close to finishing I picked that and voila!

Shepherd's Bush The Journey

32 count vintage country peach linen


Started 27th February 2012

Finished 1st May 2012.

SAL with Barb.

I did leave off some of the speciality stitches as my poor brain just wouldn't compute so my plan is to add mine and Barb's initials to this piece and the year:) Next Monday I'll start a new SB piece but as I'm thinking of a piece for the private exchange I'm doing I won't be able to show it. 

So that's all my WIPs finished barring HAED Guadian and BBD AotH so I have a nice clean slate of smaller stuff now. I shall start my May ornament for the Christmas All Year Round SAL either tonight or tomorrow night. I've chosen Country Cottage Needleworks Season of Love as the theme for May is gingerbread men / women.

The RAK I mentioned in my last post safely reached its destination so I can now show it. Dear Elaine hasn't been having the best time of it of late and I wanted to stitch her a little something just to lift her spirits so I stitched this.

Primitive Betty's My Friend

32 count cobblestone linen

hand dyed threads by dear Michelle & DMC

Started 14th April 2012

Finished 15th April 2012

RAK for Elaine.

Last night, after I'd finished The Journey, I had a look through the pile of charts I picked out last week and decided to start BOAF Love. This photo is awful! The fabric is actually white!

I also finished my snood but no photo yet as I need to get it sewn up and I might have to block it again. Cast on another one this time for Abi!

That's all for today. Just want to wish my dear friend Michelle a very happy birthday for tomorrow :) 

With much love.

