Wednesday 25 June 2014

June Stitch From Stash

It's that time of the month again when all us stitch from stashers send in our reports! It hardly seems like 5 minutes since I was doing my May report. I really don't know where the year is going and cannot believe it is July next week! 

Since my last report saying I have to be good I have been bad. *hangs head in shame and steps into the naughty corner*. Having said that I have not gone over the £15 budget which means I haven't gone into the $50 ( around £30 ) bonus which Mel allowed us for the final two weeks of June.So I spent the grand total of £10 from my £15 budget leaving me with £5 to add to my accumulated budget of £27.90 meaning I have £32.90 leftover. I did actually spend more, as I bought two sets of charts and threads, but the other one was a gift for Barb it does not count :)

I must admit that I still feel like I've failed a little as the idea for me was not to buy charts until December but I've not been feeling too happy or healthy of late so the treat I had this month and last month were a wee pick me up. I really do need to behave for a few months now and try harder to get more stitched from my stash!

So this is what is what I bought along with the two Atalie threads for it.

I fell in love with it after seeing it stitched up on a blog so off I went to Des Filles et Une Aiguille to see if they had it. I ordered on Thursday and it arrived on Monday. 

Stitching wise I have started two things from my stash one of which I can't show as it is for a gift. So this is one start.

Nothing to see really. No snowman and no cottage! It is Country Cottage Needleworks Frosty Forest Snowman's Cottage.

So the rest of my pics are WIPs. I really need to get my stitch on as I'm itching to get at least two of these finished so I can start some news things! 

This is one I really want to get finished. I'm loving how this is looking and now I've got going with it again it's growing quite quickly.

Tonight I'll be stitching on The Needlework Shop, another one I would like to get finished, and it now has a roof so maybe I can open soon!

Shirlee and I stitching on Warm Winter Woolens. I don't know how my poor sheep is staying upright as she only has one leg at the moment bless her. She looks very proud of her jumper though :)

Finally some progress on May's Lily of the Valley. I am loving each and every one of these pretty designs.

Last week I saw an ENT specialist at our local hospital and for the first time in a long while I came out feeling a little more positive. I have had feelings of being off balance getting gradually worse for a long time plus the odd bout of vertigo. To cut a long story short he thinks it's damage in my inner ear from ear infections so I am going to be doing vestibular rehabilitation with a physio. I don't know when I will get seen but in the meantime I have a few exercises to do to get me started. Then today I have been back to my GP about gynae stuff after 6 weeks trying a form of HRT and, in all honesty, I feel a little like I'm fighting a losing battle getting sorted. Granted she's sending me for a scan to see if that shows anything but she also wants me to take some medication for nerve pain even though I kept telling her I wasn't in pain. I haven't got the medication yet as I'm in two minds what to do. I don't want to take something that's going to make me feel ill as the vertigo and feeling off balance can that do enough! Then if the scan doesn't show anything she's sending me back to gynae but after the attitude of the consultant I saw back at the end of April I don't want to go. I think that in the end I'll have to live with it and hope there's nothing nasty hiding somewhere! *sigh*

No other photos today as I haven't sorted through any but do you remember the male Red Crested Pochard from a few weeks ago? Well we've finally spotted the female so I have a photo of her.

That's all for now. Thank you everyone for keeping visiting me and for your wonderful comments. I'm still stitching ( obviously ) and will continue to do so. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't stitch! I love the stitching community as everyone is so friendly and helpful ( apart from the copyright infringers of course!) and I'd be lost without you all.

Until next time.

Take care everyone.

With much love

Sally xxxx

Sunday 15 June 2014

Birthday Stitching

Two of my lovely friends have had birthdays this month so I was busy stitching wee gifts for them. I always find it so difficult to know what to stitch but this time for my friend Gill's birthday I had the perfect chart in my stash. In fact it had been in my stash for several years, a gift from Karan, so I'm very pleased that I have finally got around to stitching it. Gill loves it and says I couldn't have stitched anything better for her.

JBW  Designs To The Beach

Unknown fabric but possibly vintage country cream


Birthday gift for Gill

Next birthday gift was for lovely June and I chose to stitch this one. June loves it so I'm very happy.

La D Da Tis Better

Leftover scrap of unknown fabric


Birthday gift for June

My dear friend and SAL partner Barb is not too well at the moment so our Friday SAL of the 12 Days of Christmas is on hold for now as I don't want to carry on without her. So I have just been stitching on anything on Fridays and this week I decided that I want to try and get Brightneedle Lo How A Rose finished as soon as I can. Gill came on Thursday morning for a stitching session and chat so I got it out then as well and Saturday evening too. There seems so much still to do yet I have loads done!

My Needlework Shop is building up quite nicely and I'm hoping for the grand opening soon. I've been stitching on this a little more than just Wednesdays in the parlour with the ladies at Needlecraft Haven. Must pop my pic up there too before they lock the door and don't let me again!

My SAL with Shirlee has been on hold for a couple of weeks as Shirlee had run out of some thread and was waiting for it to arrive. She said I could keep going but I wanted to wait for her. So this Thursday we picked it up again. I didn't get much done but every little stitch helps!

May's Lily of the Valley is going well even though I had to frog some. I'm really enjoying this series. They are so lovely to stitch and so pretty when finished.  

Finally from the Frosty Forest series an update on Snowy Deer. Fingers crossed it'll be finished on Monday.

My dear friend Barb sent me these two charts. She purchased two of the With Thy Needle Sweet Violet chart so that we can SAL later in the year and she has recently finished the Snowman Trio so passed the chart onto me :) 

I would really like to get back to my HAED QS Spirit of Winter Robin soon. I've been thinking a lot about my HAEDs lately, wishing I hadn't started so many, bought so many and could get on with them without getting bored! The problem is they are so time consuming and unless you stitch on one and one alone take what seems like forever to finish one page let alone the whole thing! So I'm going to try and sort a slot in my rotation to fit the robin in and see what I can get done. I may have to just abandon a couple I've got started but I don't really want to. Maybe once my blanket is too much to take to craft group I could take one there with me that is not confetti heavy!

My DH was on holiday for 2 weeks and we had days out planned. Unfortunately the weather let us down so out of doors trips had to be abandoned except for one as we did get one exceptionally good day so we headed off to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We went last year and loved it so much so had to go again. We had a brilliant day so here's just a few photos. We also went to The Deep but the photos are not so good from there.

That's all for now. I'll be back with my June Stitch From Stash report soon. I've behaved this month!

Until next time take care everyone.

With much love

Sally xxx