As promised I am back with some stitchy progress and I have caught up on blogs this morning! Special thank yous and hugs to everyone who commented on my previous post. I am just hoping that one day soon I will get up in the morning feeling as near as 100% as I'm finding it so hard to cope these days. The way things have been and how I feel now makes me think I will never feel well again and no amount of pills or potions are going to make a blind bit of difference. I borrowed a book from the library yesterday and reading it I wish I'd known 5 years ago what I know now on reading it. Anyway enough of my moaning; let's get back to what this blog is mainly about and that, of course, is stitching:) It has been my saviour!
I don't really know where to start so I'll start with the PIF I sent last week:) This random PIF went to Michele. Michele is one of my dearest blogging friends even though we may not be in touch that much so when I saw this design I just had to have it and stitch it for her. Well I've had it in my stash for a while now so it was time it got stitched! I am happy to say that Michele has received it and she loves it so that makes me very happy:) The chart is now for sale in my for sale and wish list blog.

M Designs Reindeer Needleroll
32 count linen ( can't remember for the life of me what it is!)
PIF for Michele.
32 count linen ( can't remember for the life of me what it is!)
PIF for Michele.
Another little giftie I sent is this little biscornu. Now I think I'm safe showing this at the moment but I'm not going to say where it's gone yet! A long while ago I promised to stitch a friend a biscornu and have finally got one done!

Casey Buonaugurio Designs Frog Biscornu
14 count Silkweaver Solo
DMC threads
Little gift for ?????
14 count Silkweaver Solo
DMC threads
Little gift for ?????
This wasn't originally my biscornu for the month for the Basket of Biscornu SAL but it is now! Lol! There's no way I couldn't got Just Nan When Barnabee Met Bella finished in time so that one will now be biscornu for May! So here's my progress on that! I haven't even finished the first side let alone started the second!
I'm a bit late with this but this is my progress so far on my SB needleroll for April for my SAL with Chris. This is Folk Heart Roll which is so pretty. I chose to stitch this on the same fabric as I'm using for the JN biscornu.
More progress on Drawn Thread My Favourite Things. I'm really enjoying this one. Lots more to do yet though:)
Finally my progress on HAED QS Girly Gothic. Now this girl has had me stitching away furiously in an attempt to get page 2 finished and Thursday evening SALing with the girls from the Our Friends HAED SAL I made it! I can't quite believe how quickly I mananged to get this page finished. When you consider that when I picked her up again mid- February I still had to finish page 3 and now I've got page 3 and 2 done I'm quite proud of myself:) It has helped a lot SALing with Lisa and Claire on a Wednesday then with the Our Friends HAED SAL on a Thursday. So I now have about 64 rows to go and she's finished! As this is for Abi and my last HAED finish was for Jess I've decided that my next HAED start will be Tiny Treasures Purple Dragon for me:)
I think that's all my updates for now:) I think I may have to cave and stitch the Petites Littres Rouges piece as shown on the Blackbird Designs blog. I have seen some very pretty interpretations of this piece on blogs as I waas reading this morning and I don't think I can resist any longer. I know I won't get it finished in time to enter the competition that Barb and Alma are running but that does not bother me:)
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's our wedding anniversary tomorrow ( 23 years) so we're going out for Sunday lunch with the girls:)
Take care everyone.

I'm a bit late with this but this is my progress so far on my SB needleroll for April for my SAL with Chris. This is Folk Heart Roll which is so pretty. I chose to stitch this on the same fabric as I'm using for the JN biscornu.

More progress on Drawn Thread My Favourite Things. I'm really enjoying this one. Lots more to do yet though:)

Finally my progress on HAED QS Girly Gothic. Now this girl has had me stitching away furiously in an attempt to get page 2 finished and Thursday evening SALing with the girls from the Our Friends HAED SAL I made it! I can't quite believe how quickly I mananged to get this page finished. When you consider that when I picked her up again mid- February I still had to finish page 3 and now I've got page 3 and 2 done I'm quite proud of myself:) It has helped a lot SALing with Lisa and Claire on a Wednesday then with the Our Friends HAED SAL on a Thursday. So I now have about 64 rows to go and she's finished! As this is for Abi and my last HAED finish was for Jess I've decided that my next HAED start will be Tiny Treasures Purple Dragon for me:)

I think that's all my updates for now:) I think I may have to cave and stitch the Petites Littres Rouges piece as shown on the Blackbird Designs blog. I have seen some very pretty interpretations of this piece on blogs as I waas reading this morning and I don't think I can resist any longer. I know I won't get it finished in time to enter the competition that Barb and Alma are running but that does not bother me:)
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's our wedding anniversary tomorrow ( 23 years) so we're going out for Sunday lunch with the girls:)
Take care everyone.