Tuesday evening is UFO night on Stitch and Stash so out came HAED

I did manage to make up the ornament I have stitched for some family friends and I even managed the beaded finish but not without a fair bit of cursing and crossed eyes! Lol! I have no picture to share as yet as it's been way too dull when we've got back home from shopping to take a decent picture so that'll be something to show another day.
Tuesday I received my birthday discount letter from Needlecraft Corner but I didn't think I was going to take advantage of it this year as I have had a few new charts since coming off the chart wagon but I have changed my mind! I shall be placing an order in December but I'm not saying what although I will say it is not on my wish list!
Christmas shopping has gone quite well and we have done what we are doing in brick and mortar shops; the rest is getting done online. It has been a bit of a nightmare as my Dad and DH's Dad give us money to get the girls what they would like and for us to get what we would like. Well this year it has been easy for DH to spend the money my Dad gave for me and we have pooled the money his Dad gave us to get something. I have struggled a bit to get DH something from my Dad but I think by the time I'm done it should be OK! Of course as the girls get older they don't know what they want so it's more difficult and they would rather have presents than money so we have struggled a little but think we have got there! Then there's getting presents for DH's brother and his family, my sister and partner plus both our Dad's. This year we asked his brother and family as they just buy their kids what they want when they want it so chances are they will already have what you've bought them. Anyway I am now less bah humbug than I was at last Saturday and actually starting to look forward to Christmas!
Well I am going to catch up on a few blogs for a bit. I hope everyone is having a good week. Tomorrow evening we're going to our town's Christmas lights switch on:)