I didn't have a deal to show last week and with it being half term I haven't really had much time to blog so here I am with a couple of things made up and a WIP to share:)

Once I'd got the second I Love Treats stitched I decided I really needed to make

So this week I am back to Heaven and Earth Designs Winter ( artist Sara Butcher) and I am hoping to make some decent progress this week. It's ages since I picked her up and I feel quite guilty that it's a year since I started her and I've only got two and a half pages done. I really need to get on with her or I'll never have her finished by the time I'm 50!! Lol! If I am lucky and get my finger out I should finish page 3 this week and maybe even make a start on page 4!

Lisa, Jane, Tracy, Chris and I are getting prepared for our Quaker RR which we are starting in January! I have ordered my chart ( With My Needle Ackworth Friendship Book) from a ONS I have used before but my order is still processing after nearly a week, which has never happened before. I've usually received my order within a few days so I'm hoping that it's just half term that's holding things up. I have contacted them to see if it'll be posted soon as I really don't want to be messing about at the last minute if I find I'm not going to have the chart in time.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your good wishes for Abi. Thankfully the third lot of antibiotics did the trick and she's now just about back to normal. Her voice still goes croaky now and then but she's certainly a whole lot better:)
We had a quiet, relaxing half term with just a couple of days out. Jess went with her friend to Hull on Wednesday so we decided we'd go as well so that we then go to Meadowhall in Sheffield another day and Jess could come with us. We wanted to have a look in the new St Stephen's shopping centre in Hull but I can't say that I was all that impressed really. Yes the shops that are in there are huge and very roomy but there aren't really that many of them. It doesn't look as though it's completely finished yet and there are some spaces to be filled as yet. Friday we went to Meadowhall and there are more shops than ever now! We arrived at 10.30am and left at just before 6pm and were absolutely tired out! We didn't buy much but we enjoyed ourselves looking round and I think the girls got a few ideas of what they would like for Christmas! I did buy DH a Christmas present but he's not allowed to have it until Christmas much to his disgust!
As planned we went to see the film Stardust:) Well I have to say that if you get the chance to go see this film, do! It is absolutely magical and I loved it from beginning to end and would happily watch it again:) I will admit to having tears in my eyes at the end for all it wasn't a sad ending but an incredibly beautiful one.
Just found this Heroes Personality Test on Nicki's blog so had to have a go! We love Heroes in our house and never miss an episode.
Your Score: Matt Parkman
You scored 58 Idealism, 29 Nonconformity, 20 Nerdiness
Link: The Heroes Personality Test written by freedomdegrees on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
That's my blogging for today:) Looking forward to receiving the JCS Ornament issue this week along with Ink Circles Sea Stars from Jayne's Attic then I'll be all set for some reading and drooling over the ornaments and ready for my SAL with Karen in January:)
Oops while I remember I was tagged by Michelle I have to list 7 things about myself. I have done this before so will try and list 7 different things if I can!
- When I was little I had a dog named Sandy.
- I love budgies. My Dad used to breed them.
- I wanted to be a linguist and took French and Spanish at O level.
- I love Winter.
- My first job was in a caravan and camping accessory showroom. I hated keeping the caravans clean, especially after my boss and his wife and taken one on holiday!
- For the first few years I was married I didn't want children. So pleased I changed my mind:)
- I have suffered from depression twice ( once postnatally)
I won't tag anybody this time:)
"the cat's whiskers" is bold and beautiful. "Stardust" sounds like it might be interesting, do not know if it plays here in the US but I will check it out.
I just love the Heartstrings pattern, what a lovely gifts for your DH´s aunties to make a bourse for them. I have this pattern in my stash and will probably get started on it in the new year. Looking forward to seeing your bourses finished.
Love your latest finishes. I can't wait for my copy either from Jayne - jumping up and down excitedly LOL!!
great finishes
I'm glad to hear Abi is feeling better are they pleased to be back at school? Jayne should be sending me my chart soon so we can be ready for 1st Jan lol
Love the little treat bags.
Good Luck on Winter, I hope it's done before you turn 50 too, lol.
CWH is a gorgeous design.
Take Care, Sally.
we love Heros too! never miss an episode :)
I love the little treat bags .. and I'm glad to hear Abi is better! nice to see you back too!
Hi Sally,
Tried to leave a message earlier, but it doesn't seem to have allowed it for some reason. I just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a message, I really appreciate it! Particularly as I have not seen your blog before. Your stitching is lovely and I really like the picture that you have at the top of your blog too. I will be back again soon, I'm sure...... :-)
I am in Derbyshire, by the way.....
Jackie x
Love the idea for the aunts, and it is looking beautiful. I scored as Hiro. Hee!!
Love your treat bags, I scored as Simone Deveaux when I did the test :)
The treat bags are so cute! Funny, I never quite pictured you that way!:) I will have to take that test also. The fabric is very pretty.
LOL thought i was in my own blog !!!!
Love the treat bags for the girls, and the WIP is stunning, i loved stitching this one.
Looking forward to seeing 'winter' again
OOhh Sally, lovely pictures of your new stash and stitching, well done.
Bet the girls will love the halloween bags....
Happy Halloween
Lovely stitching and great stash too. I completely understand about the p&p; I would do exactly the same thing in your shoes lol. x
YOu have been busy! I love your treat bag finishes, the bourses are a wonderful gift idea with candies inside... I may have to do that for someone, too!
Love those cute treat bags and the CW piece is so pretty - the aunt's are going to love the bourse's.
Fell off the wagon with a loud bump there girl ;0) LOL
Nice gift from Yuko.
Great to hear Abi is so much better too - sounds like you all had a busy but fun time during the hols. :0)
Great stitching and stash! I really like the pinkeep too.
Wow, Sally, you're doin' lots of things! Love your stitching of the Cat's Whiskers piece. I've never done a bourse before...not a finisher, as you know. This one looks just beautiful. Great stashing, too. Looking forward to seeing the HAED Winter piece. Did you see I gave you the Smile Award???? :)
Love and hugs,
I love the treat bags Sally...think I might make a couple of these up next year for my little nephew and niece...that'll be fun!
I finished Heartstrings as a bourse earlier in the year for my Mum's birthday...she loved it as I knew she would and it will make perfect gifts for your DH's aunts. I agree, it was wonderful to stitch and the finishing instructions so easy to follow! Love all your new stash...JN Christmas biscornu is gorgeous, I have this too and would love to have it done for this Christmas but knowing me it won't!!
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