Lisa and I were chatting on MSN last night and she was saying that if she got her 10 hours done on School of Dolphins she was make a start on the Autumn Pinkeep from the September issue of The Gift of Stitching. I said I'd seen quite a few stitched up and thought it was lovely so she asked if I'd like to join her so I am doing:) We're starting it tonight ( finger's crossed!) so I'm really looking forward to it. For all we've been online stitching buddies for ages we've never actually done a SAL together so this is an ideal opportunity to do one.
We also got chatting about Quaker samplers and I said I'd seen a lovely RR ( and I can't for the life of me remember whose blog it was !) with Samplers and Such Quaker Style Friendship Sampler. Anyway this led us to thinking about some sort of RR with a quaker design and Lisa came up with this fantastic idea of doing one with the With My Needle accordion-style books with Quaker motifs which can be seen here and here The idea would be that each page was stitched by a friend, who could add their initials to the page, other than the back and front which would be stitched by the person the piece belonged to. Each person could pick either of the designs for their RR and pick their own threads and fabric. Now neither of us have ever done an RR before so we would appreciate some advice on how to set an RR up etc if possible. So we would love to know if anybody in the UK ( sorry but as it'll be our first RR we thought we'd stick to the UK for now) would be interested. We would need at least three more people ( that would mean each person stitching two pages) to make it work. Lisa has decided on A Quaker Pattern Book and I have decided on Ackworth Friendship Book The Quaker Pattern Book is stitched one over one on 28 count. The Friendship Book is stitched on 36 count fabric over two but once I get the chart and see what size the book is I will probably stitch on 32 or 28 count. As the Quaker Pattern Book is over one we would say only evenweave fabric if you are going to be stitching over one as linen is awful to stitch on over one! I do hope all this makes sense! We are thinking of starting it in the New Year. If there are no takers Lisa and I will do this between us. Please email me ( it's in my profile) if you would be interested or if you can give us with any tips on how to set this RR up. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
Have a good weekend everybody:) Thank you for visiting my blog and for all your wonderful comments. I'm going to catch up with yours now:)
I love treats is a cutie!!
I love treats is great, you'll have the other done in no time.
Can't wait to get the RR set up lol!
That's going to make a great treat bag.
cute finish, you will be busy in the new year
The treat bag design looks cute.
Didn't Lisa do the chatelaine SAL with us?? LOL
Quaker RR sounds interesting
cute design lookforward to seeing the bags.
RRs are so simple will email you Sally.
Julie I had brain fog! Of course Lisa did the Chatelaine SAL with us! She'd forgotten too!
Argggghh Sally I would have loved to have joined in this RR but seeing as Baby2 is coming on the 8th Jan, I'd really better not risk it - it wouldn't be fair if I fell behind or got myself stressed out with it. Maybe Tracy might like to join (maddixie). I will email her to check out your blog. xx
Very tempted to join you on the RR if you have space - finally my bug has come back - thanks to a HAED!
Sally I would be interested I'll e-mail you
Thank you for stopping by my blog and I added you to my blog roll. Very cute with I love treats. How cute you are doing treat bags for you girls. I have one I stitched a few years ago and he loves using it every year. Your RR sounds lovely and I can't wait to see progress. Good Luck and keep us posted on it.
Very cute!
I'm going to stitch one next year for Molly, I think - I love her to bits, but she's not having the Boo! one I made! LOL That's sat on the side, empty, as a hint to DBF ;o)
Your RR sounds fabulous! What a great idea. Wish I were in the UK!
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