Shepherd's Bush Tudor Roll
28 count cream fabric
Dmc thread and Mill Hill Beads
Started 25th January 2009
29th January 2009
I have also had another SB finish but can't show it yet until it's made up and arrives with its new Mum!
So on the agenda for the rest of January (I know it's only two more evenings stitching) I might stitch on HAED TT Letter J and get a bit further with that. The end is in sight and I now have the urge to get it finished so I can get back to QS Girly Gothic!
Now onto my WIPs from this week. BBD Beyond my Heart received a little bit of attention on Sunday evening. I didn't get as much as I would have liked done but every little of progress is better than none!
Monday is my night for stitching on Needleprint Beatrix Potter Quaker Sampler for the SAL I'm taking part in. I am happy with what I got done as I'm not really bothered if it takes me all year to stitch this piece. Slowly and surely will be the key! LOL!
Finally my progress from Wednesday which is HAED SAL evening with Lisa and Claire. Again not really a huge amount of progress but nevertheless it's progress.
So that's my update for today. It'll be February soon and I'll be stitching another biscornu, Christmas ornament and needleroll. I've decided on the needleroll and the ornament but not sure on the biscornu yet!
Thank you to Alison and Michele for helping me out with the SB freebies I was looking for. I appreciate your help very much:) I am still looking for Gentle Garden if anyone can help me with that one please.
Jess and I are still coughing and I have another ear infection and now Abi and DH have started with the colds too! Well Jess and I like to share! Of course DH has man flu not just cold! LOL! Bless him!
Take care everyone and get prepared for the freezing weather we're forecast for the weekend and next week!
What a beautiful needleroll! Just done up fabulously :)
And your BBD and HAED initial...coming right along. BP is looking fab too! You are a stitching dynamo!
The needleroll looks very pretty.
Good progress on your other pieces. I love the colour of the verse on the Blackbird design
Hoope your all feeling better soon.
Oh wow!! Your Tudor Roll is amazing!! Beautiful finish!!
You have made great progress on your pretty wips!! Good job!!
Hope you and Jess are feeling better very soon!
Your needleroll is so pretty! I think batiste lace is like broderie anglaise only a. flat and b. has holes up the middle for threading ribbon - at least, that's what it looks like on the other SB photos I've seen. If I see some (there's a couple of haberdashery places reasonably locally) I'll get some for use both, if you like, as I have some SB charts to stitch too!
Ooo that is pretty!!
Oh dear stock up on Beechams/Lemsips!! I do hope we get some snow, and lots of it my kids haven't seen Proper snow, like when I was a kid it used to go over my wellies...LOL
Some wonderful progress on your WIPs. :0)
I just love your Tudor Roll, a lovely finish.
Hope you feel better soon.
Congrats on your needleroll finish, it's lovely. Your wips are gorgeous.
Great progress again this week on your WIPs.
Lovely needleroll. I don't think you can get the proper SB lace anywhere but I'm sure I bought some lace from the local market and some from Dunelm (do they have them stores up your way?). In the past I did look at ebay and I found some that would be used for dolls houses etc.
First, I need to tell you it is very hard to read you tonight as the gray is too light to really be easy on eyes ;-)
COngrats on your 2 finishes !!!
Hope you feel better soon (era infection hurts ... ) Good luck with your sick husband !!!
Lovely progress on everything Sally! I love how your BPQ is coming along, it's very pretty.
lovely work! the needleroll looks great!
Gorgeous needleroll and great progress on the WIP's.
Hope you all feel better soon.
Your needleroll is beautiful Sally!
Great progress on your wip's Sally.
I have a Chinese friend, who is a doctor at one of the big hospitals in London. She told me what this coughing sickness is in Chinese, but it translates to 'The Three Month Cough'. As soon as 3 months are up, the cough has gone. She's exactly right, my parents have both had it and after 3 months of this coughing and other symptoms, it had gone.
Hope you all feel better over the weekend. We're to expect snow and a lot colder, it's coming in from the Russian front.
The Tudor needle roll looks so beautiful. Very nicely stitched and finished. And you are having good progress on your WIPs.
I hope you and your family will get rid of this cold very soon.
wow, congrats on another finish! It's lovely :)
and I love your wips! J is almost done! you must be happy dancing :)
hope you all start feeling better soon .. this crud is horrible :(
Dear Sally, You are just working amazing magic this year, so far! Love your Tudor roll...and all your other stitching. It's so nice to see what you're up to now that I'm blogging and surfing again. Love, Deb
Beautiful needleroll, Sally!
wow! all your WIP's are coming along really GREAT!!
Your needleroll is gorgeous! Great job. :)
I've found lace similar to the SB stuff at shops that specialise in smocking or heirloom sewing. Good luck in your hunt.
The Tudar roll is lovely, Sally! The thoughtfulness with which you've shared your cold is just heartwarming. :)
Love your Tudor roll. Hope you are all feeling better.
Thank you for th ecomment on my blog.
Your Tudor needle Roll is beautiful!! You have made great progress on your pretty wips.
Your needleroll is adorable!
I'm sorry you're all under the weather, though! :(
Beutiful stitching - I love looking at your work!
Love the Needleroll! I always enjoy looking at your stitching and seeing how you make things up into items... your work is always gorgeous!!
Claire X
That's a beautiful needleroll Sally
Your needleroll turned out beautifully. Your WIPs are looking lovely too. Hope you're all feeling better soon.
Very pretty needleroll. Good progress on all the WIP's too. :0)
Hope you all feel much better soon (((((hugs))))).
Your needleroll is beautiful Sally.
I like how the lace looks and love how it is photographed with those gorgeous carnations.
You have some lovely WIPS there.
Had a bit of trouble reading the light grey text on your blog. Am I the only one? Maybe it is my monitor.
Beautiful needleroll Sally. Keep warm hun. x
The Tudor Needleroll is one of my favorites. You did a lovely job, it's beautiful.
The roll is lovely and so is all the WIP's. The color thread you picked for your BP sampler is really pretty.
Your WIPs are beautiful. I'm going to have to look and see if I have that BBD. It's lovely!
A beautiful needleroll Sally. I have one half stitched and will finish it one day though I am not happy with the colours I chose for it.
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