NOW CLOSED ** It's my blogoversary coming up in just a few days so I will be holding a drawing for something stitched by me. If you would like to be entered into the draw please say so on this post and I'll draw a name on Thursday.** NOW CLOSED
Well it's not long to December and I'm just starting some ornament stitching! I do have to make them up yet but I may see if I can get another one stitched this afternoon and set on making all three up tomorrow.
The first one I am sending to Clare. Clare is doing one of the decorated trees in her church this year and asked for help so I was happy to stitch one up. This is the design I chose and I hope you like it Clare. If I can get it made it tomorrow it'll be in the post to you Wednesday

Midsummer Night Designs Christmas Angel
36 count Lakeside Linens Maple Sugar
Last night I decided that I wanted to do another ornament so decided upon this one from this year's JCS ornament issue. This was a quick, fun stitch.

My Mark Designs Be Merry
28 count Quaker linen
Friday night I started my stocking. It's only a small start but at least it's a start! This one is Bent Creek Christmas Carols and to those of you who know me well it'll be no surprise that it's snowmen!! Lol!

Finally my progress on HAED TT Sampler Letter J. I'm quite well on with page 3 now so I'm itching to make even more progress and get this finished now!

Future stitching plans are a SAL with Chris. We were chatting on MSN on Friday and she was saying she NEEDED to start Twisted Oaks Designs Merry Noel so I said I'd like to. Anyway she asked if I'd like to do a SAL so I said YES straight away! We've decided on a 1st December start so that gives me time to finish Bygone Stitches A Quaker Christmas. I'm really looking forward to this as it'll be my first ever SAL with Chris and we'll have the added bonus of actually being able to see each other's stitching in person as we're meeting up again in December:) We've also decided to do a private Christmas ornament exchange and I already have what I am stitching for her picked out.
Thank you for all your good wishes regarding my headaches/ migraines. I am still not completely headache free but I am not going to let this get me down if I can help it although it's not easy at times. I haven't picked my prescription up as yet as I'm still in two minds. I have been doing some research on the Internet and found something else that is also used to try and prevent migraines/ headaches which I have used before for tension headaches so am thinking about leaving a message for my doctor to ask if I can go back on those and see if they help. At least I know what to expect with them. I seem to be very hormonal at the moment as I can cry at anything and feel so silly! What doesn't help, I think, and what is probably a lot of the cause is I am 8 weeks late with my not so monthly monthlies! This is the longest I've gone other than when I was pregnant!
That's all from me for today! Please take time out this Remberance Sunday to remember those who have lost their lives fighting for our freedom.
Lovely ornies, 'J' looks great. What else would be on your stocking other than i snowman LOL.
We've been listening to the local radio and the service at our monument this morning with our lighted candle, couldnt attend with Dh being not so good.
The Christmas Stitching looks delightful. Can't wait to see them made up.
I love your ornaments, they all are looking very lovely!
You too have blogoversary soon?!
Please enter me in the drawing!
Some sweet ornies there, and J looks fab!
Lovely ornaments and some other great WIPs.
Great Ornaments Sally!
Please include me in your draw :)
Beautiful stitching as always Sally :)
Wonderful ornaments!
Congratulations on your upcoming blogoversary! Enter me in your drawing, please!
I hope the headaches go soon Sally - have emailed you.
I love the ornament you have chosen for the church - thank you so much. I stitched the Be Merry one- it came up really well.
Take care :)
Very nice ornie finishes! Happy Blogaversary! Please enter me in your drawing, thanks!
Does it mean you are pregnant? lol Hope you feel better soon.
Cute ornies ;-)
I love your Christmas ornies you have done. The J is looking great too. Please enter me for your draw - thanks
You're making me feel all Christmassy Sally! I love the ornaments you've stitched especially the angel.
I'd love to enter the draw please.
Beautiful stitching, as always Sally! J is coming along in leaps and bounds. Hope you can get your headache medication sorted out very soon. I know what it's like to suffer with persistent headaches.
Would you mind entering me in your draw please? :o)
Lovely stitching Sally - please enter me in your blogaversary draw
You've been quite busy. The ornaments look lovely, as did your earlier finish of Hallows Eve. Bygone Stitches is looking beautiful as well, you are so close to getting that one done. What a great piece to end the year on. Your new start of BC's Christmas Carols is looking cute too, I also like snowmen. Sorry to hear the headaches are still bothering you. Hopefully you'll find a medicine soon that helps keep them away.
Oh, what Beautiful ornaments, Hun! I can't wait to see how you finish them as I know they will be gorgeous!!! :-)
You know it just dawned on me last week that it was the end of October and I hadn't started my Christmas ornament and gift stitching!!! I really have been *away with the faeryes* 'cause this entire year has just disappeared! Anyway, I'm now frantically trying to decide what I'm going to stitch and for whom and going mental wondering if I'm going to get it all finished in time! lol
I love your start on BC's Christmas Carols... I was just looking at that one and Christmas Eve a wee while ago and added them both to my Wish List for next year's Christmas Stitching... Thanks for the inspiration, dah'ling... :-)
And the Letter J is sooo lovely! I can't wait to see the finish as I know it's just around the corner! You will have to send me one of your magic needles my dear, if you have a spare, as you are just flying along with all your projects and I'm over here plodding along much akin to an old mule out in the field!!! lol
I'm sending you lots more love and healing {{{Hugs}}} Sweety... I'm sorry you are still having such bother and feeling so bad and I do hope you are feeling better soon... Hopefully, the doctors will find something that works for you and that you are comfortable taking!
And I would dearly Love for you to enter me in your Blogiversary drawing... :-) I'd love the chance to win one of your lovelies!!! :-)
Lots of love and warm healing{{{Hugs}}}
Sally, glad to hear you are feeling at least some better. Your ornament finishes should cheer you, thery are lovely!
I'd be honored if you'd include me in your draw... happy almost blogiversary!
Your blog was the first one I ever read when I found the world of stitch blogs in May. Please enter me in your give away. What a thrill it would be to have something that you stitched.
Lovely stitching! I love them all!!!!! Great progress on your letter J!!!
Please enter me in your drawing!
You always have such beautiful stitching for us to look at!!
Please enter me in to your drawing too!!
You always have such lovely stitching to show us.
Please enter me in to your drawing too!!
lovely and cute christmas ornaments:)
please add me to the drawing.
I love the Christmas ornies, can't wait to see them made up.
You are really closing in on the letter J
I hope you are feeling better.
Please enter me in your drawing.
wow, great ornaments! I just loved stitching Monique's ornament .. fun and fast :)
I didn't realize our blogiversary's were so close together! Is this your 4th??
Both are lovely pieces for x'mas ornaments and that's a very good progress on HAED.
I would love to draw in the draw too. Thanks.
Lovely Christmas stitching!
Congratulations on the upcoming Blogoversary! Please enter me in your drawing too!
Hi, I found your blog through some Finnish one! Happy bloversary and pease, enter me in the drawing!
Pirjo from Finland
PS. I have a contest, too, in my blog!
Beautiful Christmas stitching Sally. I'd love to be entered into your bloganniversary draw. xx
Great stitching Sally. I'd love to be entered for your blogoversary please.
Fantastic pictures! Loving the HAED progress! And an early congratulations on your blogoversary!
mines is soon too Sally. Please include me in your draw as anything stitched by you is lovely.
Your ornaments look great! Any updates on the headache situation? I hope all is going well for you :)
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