I didn't stitch at all on Wednesday, as I wasn't feeling too good, so missed my smalls SAL on the HAED forum so decided to stitch on it last night. I was determined to get another 10 rows done and I did! This is what you get for not many colour changes! Lol! If I can get 10 rows done each time I pick this piece up I should get it done quite quickly.

Typing of HAED they have an end of Summer sale on at the moment but as we've been buying wallpaper etc for the hallway and landing as well as school uniform for Abi ( plus I've bought a bit of stitchy stuff lately) I decided to wait until another sale to buy another letter as I want to stitch A for Abi and S for myself. Yesterday I received a lovely RAK from Lisa of the Letter A then today when I checked my emails I had another RAK from "A Friend" of the Letter S! I truly do not know what I have done to deserve these but thank you both from the bottom of my heart. {{{hugs}}}

Jessica got her AS level results yesterday and she did do OK. She got C's in Chemistry, Biology and Physics and a D in Maths. I think it's a bit of a shock after she did so well in her GCSE's last year but she admits that the exams were really hard. So she will be able to carry on with the three sciences in September for A level and she's thinking of dropping Maths to concentrate on the Sciences. She knows she's got a lot of hard work ahead of her to get her grades up to at least B's so she's got a better chance of going to university.
Jess had her interview at the local Co-op today and she thinks it went quite well. If she gets the job she'll be working in the bakery packing the bread etc from 7am to 1pm on a Saturday. This would be ideal for her as it's just a few hours work and it's not going to interfere with her studies plus she'll still have some "me" time. Her school don't recommend that they do more than 8 hours paid work a week. So keeping my finger's crossed she gets it. She didn't get the one in Neptune's Kingdom.
I forgot the other day when I blogged that I had been awarded the Brillante Blog Award from Gill. Thank you so much Gill! The rules are:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on yours;
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
My nominees are:
Lesley at Tintock Tap
Christine at The Little World of Christine
Lisa at Lisa's Stitching Addiction
Julie at Julie's Stitching Journal
Sammy Jo at Craft Cafe
Margaret at A Sampler of Stitches
Rachel at Willing Hands
Well time for me to go stitch for a bit! Have a wonderful weekend everyone whatever you are doing.
I'd certainly be pleased to receve an exchange like that!
Hey sally the Exchange Looks great and she would be crazy not to like it!
Tell jess i said congrats, she did better than me! but i passed all mine too C in classics DDD in religion (2marks from a C, never mind) , history and General studies
Not my best results but im happt that i passed them all and still have a chance of getting into uni :)
P.S. Thank you for the award :)
Also i was wondering if you buy no.1 crossstitcher mag?
Wow, great finishes. Stunning
Your pieces for the exchange are all great, Sally. Well done!!
It's a lovely exchange Sally! I love how you've taken the house out separately for the floss tag, it looks great - congratulations!
What beautiful work! That is a lovely gift and congrats on your award.
I love what you did for your exchange partner Sally and am sure she will love them too.
I've been wanting to try both a scissor case and a floss tag - you've inspired me!
What lovely friends you have to spoil you with the HAED.
What a gorgeous redwork finish Sally! You are going to have a lovely trio of letters once you have finished :o)
A lovely exchange for your partner, great floss tag too.
Beautiful redwork exch gift you stitched, well done, it looks stunning.
Well done Jess on the exam results.
Thank you for the award, i dont think i deserve it though!
Lovely scissor case and floss tag.
This is some excellent needlework, I love the redwork scissor case!
I don't think your blog likes me anymore Sally I have had such a job to get onto it and and even worse job trying to get the comment box to open - lets just hope it gets to you when I press send.
The scissor fob and tag and gorgeous and I love the new HAEDs a lot of work but they are all so different.
Also love all your new stash in the post above (not taking any risks writing it all here lol). I cannot see the Sweetheart Tree Designs very clearly but I am sure they will be lovely most of their designs are. The thread looks nice you will have to let me know what its like to work with.
Oh I love the exhange pieces Sally - beautifully stitched & finished. Lucky Jane!
J looks lovely. Enjoy the new charts - stitchy friends are the best, aren't they? :0)
Congratulations to Jess & got my fingers crossed for Abi.
Congrats on the award. BTW, you have another - please see my blog for details. :0)
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