Not a lot of stitching has been done this week so there's not a lot to show! Up until last night I hadn't stitched since Sunday so there's no Quaker Christmas, Sea Stars or Letter J this week but there is Blackbird Designs Rites of Spring:) So here's my update on that from Sunday. I would have got more stitched but froggy came for a visit and I had to rip some out!

I did not feel much like stitching until last night when I stitched on my small new start which is Shepherd's Bush Shepherd's Roll which came as a kit so no sorting fabby and threads and an immediate start! This is where I'm up to so far.

We've had a few trips out this week. Tuesday afternoon we went to McCann's Wildlife Trust inbetween Atwick and Skipsea and took Abi's friend with us. We last went not long after it had opened about 7 years ago and what a huge difference. It's a lovely walk round; very quiet and peaceful. All the trees and fauna are well grown up and the lake and pond well established. Wednesday we went to The Deep in Hull which is a great place to visit. There were some new exhibits which is always good to see as it keeps your interest up. We got some really good pics so I'll share some another time. Yesterday we went to Junction 32 at Castleford for a bit of retail therapy. There are some great bargains to be had here and Jess and I bought some boots in Clarks, Abi bought a couple of games and some bits in Claire's Accessories and Carl bought a jacket. I bought Abi some new trainers which are just fantastic! They are Babycham ones and are so cool that I really wish I'd bought myself some but I thought I might be too old for them! Lol! Today we went to Beverley and took Abi's friend with us. I think I need a rest tomorrow!
Wednesday I went to the doctor's as my face/ jaw was swollen yet again and I was in a bit of pain with it too. I decided to see a different doctor this time and see if I could get some answers as to what is causing it. Anyway he decided to refer me to an ENT specialist as he thinks it could be a blockage in my saliva glands so we shall see what happens when I see the specialist. Thankfully I will be able to see him at the local hospital rather than at one of the hospitals in Hull.
I received the latest BBD Loose Feathers from Needlecraft Corner on Tuesday and it's gorgeous. I haven't been disappointed in one yet! I also bought Twisted Oaks Designs Merry Noel Collection of Stitching Smalls as it was half price then had a further 28% off in their 28th anniversary sale so it was a real bargain. It had the Dinky Dye silks with it as well as a pair of scissors.
I have received the I Love Your Blog award from Kyrie and Melissa:) Thank you so much to both of you. I truly cannot believe that I have now received this award 4 times and it means the world to me:) I know I am supposed to pass this award on to 7 blogs but as always this is being passed on to everyone who reads my blog:)
Well that's it from me for now. Hopefully next time I'll have a lot more stitching to show! Have a wonderful weekend everyone. The girls are back at school next Wednesday and I'm not looking forward to it at all! I hate it when they go back as the house is quiet.
Your BBD is just gorgeous and the new start...stunning, and it's got sheep - a favorite and instant like for me!
You sound like me running to and fro...and I certainly hope that they figure something out about your swollen face and pain...that seriously is not fun, I'm sure. I'll be thinking of you...
Rites of Spring is looking gorgeous! I had to rip that LH wreath quite a bit, I was getting a bit fed up of it in the end ;) Enjoy your weekend!
SB is a lovely new start and your BBD is coming along very nicely!
Hi Sally - I love your BB Designs. I have been thinking of purchasing this years Loose Feathers as the designs look beautiful. I love your Shepherd's Roll. Hugs
Your two WIP's are looking great, both are fantastic designs.
Sounds as though you have had a busy week, hopefully you get some time to relax at the weekend.
You've nearly finished Rites of Spring, and love the new start. :)
Good luck with finding the cause of the jaw problem - it doesn't sound pleasant!
Nice work on both the Blackbird Designs and Shepherds Bush pieces!
Have a great weekend!
I love your Shepherd's Roll Sally - can't wait to see more! Hope that you manage to get your jaw problem sorted out very soon.
love your new BBD start, looking good, love the needleroll too, love those little sheep lol
hope you get some relief from your sore face soon
sending hugs to you xx
Rites of Spring looks lovely Sally. Great start on the Shepherds Bush design too
Lovely progress and a beautiful new start.
Hope you dont have to wait too long for your appt with the ENT specialist.
Hey, Sally! I love your "Rites.." I'm looking forward to getting my new BBD piece, as well. Rats about your jaw. I've had the salivary glands issue a couple of times, and I go around thinking about lemons alot to keep that from happening again!! :P Seriously, I hope someone finds out the issue and helps you very soon. It's awfully uncomfortable, I'm sure. Sending a little prayer and hugs, Deb
ROS is looking great. I hate it when froggy pays a visit. Usually I stop after ripping. New start looks very nice. Hope your jaw problem will be gone soon.
Lovely stitching. I hope they can soon figure out whats going on with your jaw!
ROS is looking good - hope the frog has beggared off now! Love the new start. :0)
I bet you do need a rest after all that activity..... bet it was lots of fun though. :0)
It's no fun being in pain & not knowing the cause makes it worse, so I hope the ENT chap susses the problem & sorts it out(((((hugs))))).
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