Yesterday morning I sat up on the edge of the bed as I always so before I get up properly and I felt like I was still moving even though I was still. To say I felt awful is an understatement and I was rather scared as to how I was going to get myself on my feet and to the bathroom without falling over. I should have had a shower but that was out of the question. Anyway I got myself up, dressed etc and made it downstairs but spent most of the day sat down and in tears. I made an appointment at the doctors as late in the day as I could and, thankfully, DH was home in time to take me as there was no way I could have made it on my own. Turns out I have an inner ear infection which I did wonder if that was what it could be as I've had pain in my ear as well as a pulsing in my ear when I've been laid down. Unfortunately I couldn't get my antibiotics as the chemists here close at 5.30 and it would have meant going 25 miles to the nearest Morrisons! I don't know why the dispensery at the surgery can't do them after 5.30 but they only deal with out of town patients which I think is really stupid. So I am sat quietly catching up on a few blogs, waiting for Jess to go get it for me. Other than a bit of ironing I need to do that will be it for today. I didn't stitch on Quaker Christmas last night as I didn't think I could concentrate enough on it so I did a bit more to the second piece for the redwork exchange.
Hopefully I will be able to stitch later on Sea Stars and will be back in a day or so with an update on that and Rites of Spring.

Hopefully I will be able to stitch later on Sea Stars and will be back in a day or so with an update on that and Rites of Spring.
Sally I hope it clears up soon Hun,((HUGE HUGS))
{{{{Sally}}}} that sounds horrible! I hope you're feeling better soon.
Sending you lots of get well thoughts. ((((Hugs to you)))).
Hope the infection clears away soon.
Hope you feel better soon, I have had low blood pressure in the past that caused that sort of dizziness too, it is a horrid and frightening feeling.
(((((((((((((((Sally)))))))))))))) hope you feel better soon
Oh dear Sally....I know just how you feel...those inner ear infections just mess up the works don't they. I'm sure after a couple of doses of antibiotics you'll be yourself in no time! Thinking of you!
I hope you feel better soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery
Sally, I do hope you'll feel better soon. Take care!
Hope you feel better soon Sally.
Feel better soon!
You poor thing! Hope the meds kick in quickly, this sounds scary and painful.
I hope you feel better soon, once those antibiotics kick in.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
I really hope that you are feeling much better soon.
I hope you are feeling better very soon. I've had something similar and it is horrible!
An ear infection how horrible I styill remember how ill I was when I had one as a teenager (decades ago). Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly.
I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Sending you a hug and get better soon!
(((big hugs))) from me here! Hope you feel much much better very soon.
Sally, I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and you are feeling lots better! Sending healing thoughts your way. (HUGS)
Hope you are feeling much better :)
I have had that before, and it is quite upsetting.
Hi Sally, hope you get feeling better fast! Your sea stars is looking so gorgeous!
I hope you feel better soon!!!
Poor you, ear infections are awful. Get well soon
I hope you feel better soon! {{{hugs}}}
Sorry to hear you're ill. I hope you get to feeling better soon ;)
well dammm sweetie, you are just having one heck of a year :( I hope your ear infection clears up soon! We want you back and balance *grin*
Oh that had to of been awful...hope you feel better soon!
Oh Sally, I know just how you feel. After a trip in the US and China winter season I had ear infection which was because I'm not used to cold weather (no winter season at this side of the world) and had a severe dizziness, the sensation of spinning surroundings. Hope you'll get better soon. Just drink your meds on time and it'll be over soon. Take care.
Dear Sally, What a hateful thing to have to deal with. I'm so sorry. It does make us want to cry when things strike us at this age and time. It seems all we want is a little break!! I know you'll feel yourself very soon. I wish you good stitching times. Love, Deb
I'm late in catching up but I hope you feel better soon with the medecine ... (((hugs))))
Hope you're feeling better soon Sally - ear infections are nasty. {{{hugs}}}
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