Finally it's my progres on HAED TT Letter J. Not a lot done this week but not to worry. I can soon get caught up to where I would like to be- I hope!
I have decided ( like KarenV a while ago) it's time to get my chart stash down and not buy anymore for a while. I have tried this before and failed most of the time BUT I need to be really strong and just get on with it. I do have a couple of charts to come and, of course, there's two more BBD Loose Feathers for this year that I will be buying but that will be it. I am quite ashamed really of the amount of charts that I have ( around 50 charts and 3 kits plus 4 HAED charts that are a must stitch) so I really have no need to buy more. So I have decided to set myself a project challenge although I have not decided on the amount of projects as yet. Either 10 or 15 to begin with I think then see how I feel after that.
I received the I Love Your Blog award from both Heather and Karan Thank you so much to both of you. I am so happy to know that you both love my blog:) At the moment I am not going to pass on this award so if you're in blog list on the right of my blog please consider yourself awarded the I Love Your Blog award:)
Unfortunately Jess hasn't been successful with her job interviews so far. She really wanted the one at the local Co-op so was really disappointed when she didn't get it.
Time I went and got out of my decorating clothes and into some clean ones ( silly devil me brushed the wall with my butt when I'd just painted it!) and settle down for a bit of stitching. I've had a small new start!
Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for reading and for all your wonderful comments:) I managed to get caught up with all your blogs yesterday. It was brilliant to see what you'd all been stitching:)
Wow! Sally everything is looking great. I love the colour in Rites Of Spring. I haven't even finished BBD #1 :( It's nice to have fresh decor
Good Luck! with your project challenge
Ah, I wondered what you'd been doing all week. Now before you put those paintbrushes away, would you just like to pop down to Staffs. with them? I've got a few walls that need painting.........LOL
All your WIP's are coming on well. Congratulations on the award too.
Hope your decorating is going well,will we see pics?
Everytime I see your Quaker christmas, I want to start mine. But like you I need to restrain myself both from buying anymore and new starts. I really hope you manage to be good ;0D Great progress pics ,I didn't realise that motif was so big on SS
Hi Sally!
I decided the same, I shame of myself that I have SO many stash and haven't been stitching them at all... so I will not buy charts for a while (except BBD LF series, lol!) and am going to stitch from my stash a little by little!
Anyway, did you receive my e-mail?
Sometimes my e-mails don't reach their destination, so I'm just a bit worried about it.
Everything's looking great Sally! I picked up my RoS again the other day and am enjoying it, it's quite a quick stitch, isn't it?
Good luck with the stash reduction! I think setting yourself a goal of stitching a certain number of charts before buying any more is a great idea. I found that I need some kind of incentive rather than just saying "no new charts, full stop", otherwise it's too hard to resist buying ;)
Rites of Spring is looking lovely as is SS and 'J'.
I know what you mean about lots of stash sitting there, i have been careful not to buy much this year, and have been doing things i already had.
I'm sure something will turn up for Jess soon.
Goodness your needles must be burning Sally! Everything is looking great. xx
Every time I come here I am falling in love with Quaker Christmas more and more. And now Sea Stars too!
Wow Sally - your WIPs are looking fabulous!! It's been a while since I saw A Quaker Christmas & it is beautiful. Hope you get all your decorating finished soon :o)
As usual, everything looks uper ;)
Nice progress on all of them. Good luck finishing up with the decorating and painting and such. I'll bet it is looking wonderful. I'm sorry Jess didn't get the position she wanted. Hopefully the next position she tries for goes better.
Congratulations on your award. I'm amazed how you can constantly work on several different projects. I try but it stresses me out!
All of your WIPs are looking so good. I know what you mean about charts and keeping the stash buying down. It's so hard.
The WIP's are lovely Sally - good progress there. Look forward to seeing what the small is. :0)
Decorating. Hmmmm - please tell me how you get your DH motivated! LOL
Everything's coming along very well. I especially like the colors in the Rite of Spring.
Congrats on your award!!
What a lovely body of work you are creating. You get so much done - it's amazing. Quaker Christmas is just gorgeous - love the vivid colors.
As usual Sally all your stitching is gorgeous.
Valentine is in the post to you now, hope she arrives soon...
Happy decorating..lol
Everything is beautiful...but the Quaker Christmas is INCREDIBLE!!!
Hi Sally
You look to have made great progress to me. Sorry about Jess, hopefully something else will turn up soon.
Congrats on your award and wow, all wip's are looking beautiful.
Your WIP are so gorgeous!I love your Quaker Christmas.
Oh my Sally you have been so busy. I adore your quaker Christmas more everytime I see it.
Wow i think you've done more christmas stitching than me on that one peice and it looks really great!
Sorry to hear about jess not getting the job but there are plenty more out there and im sure she'll find another one she really wants and get it :D
Your rotation works looks wonderful, such gorgeous pieces.
Fingers crossed on the job searching.
Your work looks amazing! I really enjoy your blog, stop by mine to pick up your award!
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