I might just get this finished when I get it out again:)
It feels as though I haven't had a finish for ages so I might have to add some smaller stuff to my rotation when I've finished one of the bigger pieces. I don't want to add anything to it at the end just yet as it's long enough already really.
I have been feeling quite down for a few days. I think it's just something that I'm going to have to put with the same as I have over the past few years. Anyway I've had some good news today. I rang the surgery on Friday for the results of my bone density scan but the receptionist said the doctor hadn't marked it as normal or anything, he'd just signed it, so she suggested I make an appointment to go in and see him, which I have this morning. Thankfully there is no sign of osteporosis. The reading ( or whatever it is!) on my spine is above average although the one on my femur is a little below but he says that is way off showing signs of osteoporosis so I am very happy about that. He just suggested keeping up a good calcium intake, having a good diet and exercise. I admitted that I don't get enough exercise and he said that walking is excellant. I do walk quite a lot but I do feel that I need to do more. I need to lose weight too, not a lot, but a stone wouldn't be a bad thing. While I was there I asked him about the iron tablets and if it would be OK to just take one a day as I'm concerned that I could become anaemic again if I keep having heavy periods. He said that was fine although I needed to be careful being so close to menopause that I don't overdo it, so I guess if my periods become further apart I will need to stop taking them.
Thank you to those of you who have wished Jess good luck in her exams. She *thinks* she has done OK in the three she has done so far but time will tell when the results come through on 23rd August! She did some revising on Sam Learning yesterday ready for her English Literature tomorrow and went through her books etc.
Heather I looked up on the school website about Citizenship and this is what it says:
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (P.S.H.C.E.) is undertaken by everyone in the school.
Different subjects are covered each term by your tutor on a Tuesday, period 3. Sometimes there are visiting speakers and presentations given by, for example Viking FM.
It is an important subject as it is all about learning to be a good citizen in our society whilst at school and beyond.
Hope everyone is having a good start to the week. Not sure what I'm going to do this afternoon. I might stitch for a while!
Both pieces are coming on well Sally. I've just started on my first Papillon design, Floralie. They are a lovely easy stitch aren't they?
Lovely progress on both WIPs Sally! I've started Simple Little Quaker and it's stitching up really fast. Glad you got matching threads to finish it.
Sally great news from the docs, bet you were over the moon.
Lovely WIP's too Sally, well done with them.
Huggles to you and Happy Stitching.....
Sorry to hear you are feeling down. You just want a day when you feel normal, don't you? I know exactly what you mean. The exam season affects everyone too doesn't it? Him-In-Door's youngest is sitting hers too. Mood swings??!! Oh my god!!! She's sometimes seems to regress to a six year old - but not so cute LOL. Feel better Sally. Lots of love, Jules x
Great news from the GP
Summer Aft is looking fab, and so is Quaker, love the red you're using in this one, very pretty
You're addicted to Animal Crossing! wonder who enabled you on to that then LOL
Finish? You mean we're supposed to finish things? I'm like you, everything I work on is large and I rarely have a finish. Both of the WIP's you've shown are beautiful, keep going girl ;)
great news from your dr! love seeing the progress on both wips .. and I'm soo glad the thread is matching for you on Simply .. I just love that design!
Sorry to hear that you're feeling so blue. :(
Fantastic news from the doc - I'm sure that's a load off your shoulders!
Both WIP's look great. The Quaker is coming along very quickly!
Wow - your Chatelaine piece is gorgeous!
Both pieces are lovely but esp Simple Little Quaker! Love the color! Hope you feel better soon... but great news about the bone density! Sending good thoughts your way! ((((((Hugs))))))))
Sorry to hear you've been a little down Sally...wonderful news from the doctor though!
Great progress pics on 'Summer Afternoon' and 'Simple Little Quaker'. :o)
Oh Sally! I had not realized how pretty Summer Afternoon is until I just peeked at yours!! Nice!!!!! I sure hope you feel better soon :-) {{hugs}}
You are doing great on both your projects! Isn't it frustrating with those confetti stitches?
I hope you feel better soon!
Your Chatelaine looks stunning, glad to hear you got sorted with your threads for Simple Little Quaker I would have been heart broken for you if you had to pull it out, I've just ordered Eygpt Garden from Chatelaine
Wow you have been busy Sally. You have gotten loads done! Love the thread on the SLQ. xx
Glad you got good news from your doctor, and I hope you are feeling more yourself soon. Simple Little Quaker is looking so pretty, I'm glad that the threads were an exact match.
Chatelaine Summer is just wonderful, Sally! I hope your health issues are soon past you...I'm not keen on walking either, but I try to keep active with that and swimming when I can. Your stitching choices are so phenomenal. Love your work.
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