I have managed 20 rows on page 2 of HAED quick stitch Dragonette this week,
which I think is pretty good considering I didn't stitch on it on Tuesday night. I think I got over my can't be bothered to stitch on it! Lol! It doesn't look much when you're looking it while stitching but when you see it from as a picture on here it looks fantastic! ( Yeah OK so I'm blowing my own trumpet!)

The fifth part of Chatelaine Christmas Mystery IV was released this week and I am still very unsure of this mystery. As I said before I can't afford not to stitch it, unless somebody were to buy my WIP piece, the beads and metallics, so I'm going to end up with something I don't really like on my wall ( good job it'll only be over Christmas!). This part is a tree but it's nothing spectactular; at least I don't think it is. I'll set on tonight and stitch it anyway.
Yesterday I received the Carrie's Creations Lumiere de Cheryl thread from Jayne's Attic and it is beautiful. I can't wait to have a go with it and as I have three skeins of it I reckon I might use it on another project too.
I am going to have a good think about my rotation over the weekend. I think I may have another couple of new starts to add in so that I have a break in between each HAED and I may go back to a full week stitching on one piece rather than having a different piece for weekends. At the moment my new starts may be Just Nan Spring in the Air and Papillon Creations Simple Little Quaker but I could change my mind! Lol! Watch this space!
Chocolate Shoppe is looking great in the frame. You´ve done quite a bit on your HAED too, it is so exciting to see it come to life. I´ll be following you to see what you decide on your rotation.
All the best,
I love the frame you chose for Chocolate shoppe - and your HAED piece is coming along so well.
Another busy week Sally. Your HAED is coming on nicely and it must be great when you can actually see it looking like a picture - think I have a long way to go with mine before that happens lol.
The frame is perfect for Chocolate Shoppe. And your HAED progress is very impressive.
Chocolate Shoppe looks wonderful all framed up, and your HAED is progressing nicely too. I keep hoping when you see more of the Christmas mystery you'll like it better. It is so much more fun to work on a project you like than to work on one you feel like you have to/should do.
Hi Sally, chocolate shoppe looks great but why don't you get some glass for it? A framer would be able to cut some to fit and I doubt it would be expensive....
Dragonette looks great too. And I'm looking forward to seeing the next part of your mystery stitched....
Waiting to see your new rotation too....
Huggles and Happy Stitching.....
Wonderful finish for Chocolate Shoppe! And your HAED is looking very nice :)
The framed Chocolate Shoppe is lovely Sally. The HAED is progressing really well and I'm watching it with interest. I know someone else who is doing the C'mas Mystery thing and she's not too happy with it either.
perfect frame for the chocolate shoppe, love it. Dragonette is looking lovely too. I've seen the next part of the chatelaine mystery stitched - not very impressive i must say, do you like it any better?
Lovely finishes , you could try cutting a thin bit of acrylic (sp) sheet and put it in the frame I have done this on a couple of frames and it looks ok and protects the stitching
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