Friday, 4 June 2010

A Long Day and A Hunky Angel lol

Today was one of those days we really don't want to repeat in a hurry! Lol! As I said in my previous post Abi was seeing a consultant on Wednesday about the stye she had. Well my poor baby got herself in such a state when we got to the appointment that she was damned near having a panic attack but thankfully the staff were brilliant and made sure we didn't have too long a wait to be seen. Her consultant was fantastic and decided that because she was so nervous just seeing him he would remove what turned out to be a cyst, rather than a stye, under general anaesthetic rather than a local. Next thing we knew he's ringing admissions to get her in as soon as possible! He really went above and beyond and we ended up in a specialist eye clinic today with her first on his list so she didn't have to wait and get worked up. Abi was so brave, I was so proud of her. I know to some it may not be a big deal but she's never had any experience of this before and she is a worrier ( like me) but she took it all in her stride. I was very emotional after I'd left her when she'd gone " to sleep" but the staff were wonderful. You hear such stories about hospitals these days but we were treated so well and Abi was well looked after. So she now has a bit of a bruised eyelid and it's rather swollen but the cyst is gone at long last :) hopefully never to return. We are so glad it's all over now.

Right onto my stitching:) I managed to finish block 5 on Shores before 1st June although I did stitch on it an extra evening to get it done. I am not particularly looking forward to the next block as I'm going to tackle the biggy in the middle! I did enjoy block 5 though and really love how this one looks.

After the little bit I did on Chatelaine Spring Morning I couldn't wait to get back to it again so I finished the lily of the valley part barring some back stitching and moved onto the next bit and this is where I'm at now. I am enjoying this piece again so much and intend on keeping this in my rotation now until it is finished. I'm going to add all the beads once the stitching is done.

Now onto the hunky angel! As promised I've picked up HAED Guardian this week:) I stitched a little bit on Tuesday and more on Wednesday and I think I did around 300 stitches in total. It felt good to be stitching on this again.

I've also started and finished a small gift but will show that once it's all finished up and been received. I might get that done this weekend if I'm lucky:)I think I've got my measurements sorted for the mattress pinkeep I'm going to make up with Drawn Thread Spot of Spring so there's something else I may do over the weekend!

I have to say that I have really been enjoying my stitching so much more of late. I haven't been spending quite so much time on the PC on an evening so have been getting much more done.

Right time for me to go off to check on Miss Abi, get relaxed and get Shores out!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Take care




KarenV said...

So glad Abi is OK Sally and that the cyst was removed quickly. Love your WIPs, especially Shores - great progress!

Michelle said...

So glad to hear that Abi is fine - how brave she was too. Your stitching is just lovely. I have decided that I spend too much time on the PC in the evening and so enjoy it when I sit stitching more.
Have a nice weekend. Michelle x

Hazel said...

Such wonderful news re Abi! Great wips Sally. I have been struggling to line up page 2 on the Jane Austen sampler but Tracy has given me a couple of tips :S. I'll see what I can do eeek! I am so rubbish at lining things up. x

Michele B. said...

How wonderful that all went well with Abi and she no longer has to cope with anxiety or the cyst! As always it's such fun to see what you are working on. That Chatelaine is lovely and I'm glad you are enjoying your stitching more. Computers are great but they do take time from stitching, don't they!

Cindy's Stitching said...

Hawk run is looking good. the other wips a great to.

Jules said...

Very nice stitching as always! I love the Lily of the Valley section on Chatelaine! Beautiful...

Olga said...

I hope Abi feels better now.
You've made great progress on your WIPs, Spring Morning is fantastic!
Have a nice weekend!

Barb said...

Oh Sally how traumatic for you both,but so pleased that all is well now and all Abi has to do now is recover. (((hugs )))
Your stitching is fab as always, the oohh the angel one is going to be stunning.

Nic said...

I'm glad Abi is okay, sounds like the consultant was a very considerate chap!

Great work on the WIPs!

Jane said...

Sounds like you had a very traumatic day Sally but what a fab consultant to get things moving so quickly and so pleased to hear Abi is now on the road to recovery and emotions can return to normal (if I lived nearer I'd share my tissue box with you!)
Great stitching as always especially 'Shores' ~ Block 5 is stunning and really stands out - can't wait to see the next block.

WendyCarole said...

great to hear such a positive hospital experience

stitching wonderful

Solstitches said...

All three of your WIPs are looking so lovely.
I am always amazed at how much you manage to achieve on these big pieces.
Well done Abi. I'm sure she's glad to have that behind her.

Lesleyanne said...

I hope Abi is well on the road to recovery and you are both over what must have been a very traumatic experience for you both. Your WIPs are, as always, gorgeous.

Christine said...

Hope Abi is feeling better.
Lovely stitching, I see the lemming lady hasn't flung herself of the roof in HRH yet ;)

Stitchabilities said...

I am glad it wasn't long and drawn out for her.
Glad you have more stitchy time, I need to step away from the PC more I may get more done as well.

Andrea said...

WIPs looking great.Glad Abi is OK now.

Julie said...

It'd always worrying for us parents when thre is something medical involved, we have ours tomorrow when Amy goes for her scan. I'm glad all went well and it was over and done really quickly too.

Chatelaine looks gorgeous

DonnaTN said...

So glad Abi's procedure went well and that is behind you both! Your Shores block is beautiful and your other wips are coming right along!

Carol said...

That sounds like a very scary procedure for Abi, Sally--go glad it all worked out and she is healing nicely.

Love your latest Shores block--good luck on that gigantic middle one :)

Berit said...

Whew! So glad to hear that all turned out well. :) Your stitching is simply beautiful--WTG! I've been online a bit less lately, though I can't say I've been stitching more! Fortunately I've been getting more of everything else done, though. :)

Siobhán said...

I'm glad to hear that Abi is doing well! She was very brave--I hate to have anybody near my eyes, too. I am a horror when I go to get my eyes checked, so I can imagine how scared she was! Lovely progress on your WIPs!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Glad to hear Abi is well and that she had fantastic people taking care of her! Its such a rarity in the overworked healthcare profession these days.

All of your stitching look fantastic and whoa that angel sure is easy on the eye. He could eat crackers in my bed any day!

Karan said...

So glad everything went well with Abi & that she's OK. Not surprised she got worked up... going into hospital is a scarey business.
All your WIP's are beautiful & growing well... but it's really great to see the hunky angel again! LOL :0)