It's been a few days of stitching lots on my HAEDs:) Friday through Monday was UFO/ SWIP SAL on the HAED forum so I decided to take part with HAED Guardian which really needed a good kick start. As it was I only really stitched on it properly on Friday and Saturday with a few stitches added Sunday and Monday afternoons. I am very happy to report that I have almost finished another page making 3 in all but I still have to finish of stitching over the metallic on page 7 with DMC.

Last Wednesday and Thursday were my SAL days with Lisa and Claire and the ladies at the Our Friends HAED SAL so out came the very lovely TT Purple Dragon and good progress was made again:) I am enjoying this piece so much.

A bit of progress next on Blue Ribbon Designs Winter Wingding although I'm going to have to rethink the snowflakes as they don't show up on this fabric. I may have to try DMC 3865 or something like that. I don't think you can see it but I have stitched a snowflake. Any suggestions???

Last night I decided I needed to get Bea out or she's going to turn into a UFO. To my amazement I actually enjoyed stitching on her and when DH went to bed at 10pm ( he was up early this morning) I decided to stay up and stitch a bit more. I usually go to bed at the same time as he does as I'm not keen on sitting on my own when everyone has gone to bed but he's had lots of early mornings of late so early nights and it cuts into my stitching time! LOL!

Finally a little progress on Just Nan When Barnabee Met Bella biscornu. This one will be coming out this evening so I hope to get a lot more done.

Next weekend, as far as I know, is the start of the HAED Storykeep SAL so I'll be taking part in that. In think I will only stitch Friday and Saturday on it. We had two free charts to choose from and I chose Moon Fantasy. My threads are sorted and my fabby is ready and I'm patiently waiting for the first page to come out:)
So that's all my stitchy news for now. I've been a bit naughty and pre-ordered the new Lizzie*Kate Christmas double flip-it's from Down Sunshine Lane. I couldn't resist as they are gorgeous.
I'll leave you with these pictures taken by DH on Sunday:) This little fella is a regular visitor in our garden. We don't know if he's been got at by a cat or if another bird did it but he's lost a lot of feathers and it looks quite raw on his back. He's happy enough though and spends ages hopping round the garden and sitting on the patio wall singing. Here is is but what is he looking at?

Yep he was looking at this and decided to have a drink! Excuse the green but no sooner do we clean it off it comes back. We do have a bird bath but he ( and a few sparrows!) seem to prefer the waterfall!

The hole in the front garden is now filled, the path has been concreted and the slate put back as it was thankfully! They did make a good job of making everything right.
Take care everyone.
Poor little fella! It looks like he might have had an argument with a cat, but at least he's still mobile.
Your WIPs all look gorgeous Sally, great progress.
Your WIPs look great! It is hard to see that snowflake though. I didn't even know it was there until you mentioned it.
Poor bird! It looks like he's been through an encounter with an animal of some kind!
when i stitch flakes, using 2 strands of floss..i use one white and one a blue..or you can try a varigated floss..of floss effects..lots of pretty blues!
Thanks for sharing your pics, that little bird is so cute, and lucky too. Beautiful WIPs, I have a Bea that I'll get to one of these days.
Great progress on the WIPs.
I admire your ability to have so many HAEDs on the go just thinking about doing one makes me feel dizzy.
Beautiful stitchy progress! You really have been busy Sally!
Nice pics:)
Lovely stitching!
wow, you have been stitching up a storm! Your wips all look great :)
he definately looks like he ran into some kind of animal .. so glad he's staying around and singing :)
The HAEDS are gorgeous. You are right about your snowflake, it needs more emphasis, maybe a lighter shade of the blue the letter is worked in?
Oh poor blackbird :(
Your Winter Winding and Bea is looking good, waiting to see finished biscornu :)
Stitcherific progress, you have been really busy.
Guardian looks fabulous Sally! Is this one for you? Love the other WIPs and your garden visitor too.
Poor litle birdy, but his feathers are growing!
Pretty stitching on your WIPs. You are right about the snowflake - it can hardky be seen.
Have a great week!
As always your stitching is beautiful!!!! I admire your ability to keep up with all of your WIPS!!!
Sally your work in progress look great, I really must find some time to stitch on my HAED's as I have neglected them lately!
It's always a pleasure to see your amazing progress on your HAED's.
Beautiful progress on all your WIPs. I really love the fabric for the Just Nan piece. And Purple Dragon is going to be so beautiful!
Poor blackbird!!
Sally your stitching is looking fantastic. You seem to make so much progress on your HEAD's. I still haven't worked up the courage to start one lol.
Great progress on all projects. I am really jealous here as i haven't done much stitching lately, been sick now for a couple of days.
Hope your week is going well.
Well, that bird's a little scraper, isn't he? Your WIPs look great! I love the HAEDs. Very, very nice.
Beautiful stitching as always.
Aww poor birdie!!
Very nice progress pictures. And I agree with you on the colour of the snowflakes - it doesn't really show.
Poor little blackbird. I love having them in our garden, too. And I love their songs so much.
WOW you have been busy, all your WIPs are looking fab....
I'm glad the little blackbird has found a home with you. It knows a kind person when it sees one!
Awaiting more work on Bea - she really doesn't want to be a UFO even though she's not a favorite of yours, does she?
Amazing progress on your wips as always Sally, you put me to shame with your stitching speed on the HAED's. You never did work out how many stitches you manage in an hour?!
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