Tuesday, 29 April 2008

The Kindess of Stitchers

What's this??? Four blog posts in four days?? Is this woman going mad?!! I know this is not like me as it's ages since I've blogged four days in a row!

This post is just really about the kindness of stitchers. Stitchers are the best people. They're always willing to help in whatever they can, give words of encouragement, make you smile and laugh when you're not feeling at your best etc etc. This morning I received an envelope through the post and upon opening it I found two SB needleroll charts and a lovely note from Andrea so I now have Tudor and Garden. Thank you so much Andrea. I shall be stitching these in the not too distant future. Not only that Nic has offered me any SB needleroll charts that she has finished with. Thank you so much Nic. I shall be repaying both ladies for their kindness in the future. Now wouldn't the world be a much better place if everybody stitched???? Lol!

Speaking of the kindness of stitchers and also bloggers a huge thank you again to those who have visited and commented on Jess' blog. She's so excited everytime she gets a new comment! She absolutely loves to sketch but didn't want to do Art at A level as she only likes sketching and of course Art involves lots of other mediums. She found GCSE Art difficult as it was but it has not detered her from keeping up with her sketching. She has several books to help her learn and if she has no homework etc we will often find her with pencil in hand sketching:)

Onto my stitching:) I started the big motif on Bygone Stitches A Quaker Christmas last night and managed to get a lot more done than I expected as I'd been messing about the Internet for longer than I should. And please remind me NOT to lick my floss when it's hand dyed and a very dark red!! Lol!

Abi is feeling a little better today so hopefully she'll be back at school tomorrow. Jess thought by the amount of work one of the teacher's off sick had left that she'd be off all week and she wasn't sure if the other one would be back today or not. These bugs really seem to taking their toll. Damned things.

I'm hoping to finish up the Indigo Rose Bee Charmer later on today. There wasn't enough of the pearl cotton to whip stitch the front and back together in the kit but, luckily, I have some very close in my stash so it's not a problem.

Off to hang some washing out while it's nice. We didn't get the stormy weather yesterday but it's supposed to be nasty this afternoon.



Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting, even though I don’t get the chance to visit your blog as often.

You are making great progress on A Quaker Christmas. It’s lovely! LOL at the vision of you with a bright red tongue from licking your floss!

Good luck with finishing up Bee Charmer!

I agree with you – I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of my fellow stitchers, so I echo your sentiments!

Anonymous said...

Quaker Christmas is looking beautiful Sally! :)

Carol said...

AQC looks wonderful!

Kim B said...

I think stitchers are incredibly supportive and incredibly generous!

Your Quaker Christmas is so gorgeous! I love the red!

Karan said...

QC really is lovely Sally. :0)
The world would be a much nicer place if lots more people stitched!

Karen said...

LOL we have your stormy weather here.
your quaker looks great

Nicola said...

Quaker Christmas looks great, especially in that colour. How lovely of Andrea and Nic to send you those charts.

Samantha said...

Turn my back for one minute and look at all the lovely things you're stitching! I so love Quaker Christmas - such a gorgeous colour. Bee Charmer is beautiful too. It's definitely on my wish list ;o)

Anonymous said...

QC is very pretty... love the color you are using. Hope your laundry didn't get stormed upon :)

Julie said...

Quaker looks great.

your SB stash pile is growing nicely, stitchers make good friends