Friday, 18 April 2008

Frogs and Progress!

I have had quite a productive week stitching so far this week although the needleroll I chose to stitch for the exchange hasn't gone well! Lol! I have stitched, frogged, stitched, frogged that many times that yesterday I was well and truly cursing it so it came very close to getting thrown in the bin never to be seen again!! Lol!

Anyway I had a good evening on Ink Circles Sea Stars, my SAL with Karen, and finished the motif I was working on. It was quite a big one so took quite a bit of stitching but I like the effect of it so it was worth it.

I have been stitching on Bygone Stitches A Quaker Christmas for the rest of the week in an evening. I am loving it so far and am so pleased I chose red as the main colour as the Carrie's Creations Old World Red is just gorgeous. I think I messed up when I bought 13 skeins of it as I'm stitching with one strand of thread and the model is stitched with two so I should have a few skeins left for something else:) I'll be carrying on with this until my Sunday JN SAL with Nic:)

Abi finally went back to school yesterday although she still didn't feel 100% but today she's much better and is actually managing to eat better. DH is on a first aid refresher course, as he's one of the first aiders where he works ( this is someone who hates the sight of blood!), and he wasn't feeling well this morning but we think it could be nerves as he's got his assessment today and wasn't looking forward to it. Finger's crossed he gets on OK today but I have every faith in him. Jess just wants us all to stay away from her so we don't give whatever Abi and I have had to her! Lol!

I am looking forward to this afternoon as Chris is coming to visit to hand over the RR, have a cuppa and a natter. So I'm popping out in a bit to see if my BBD Where My Heart Blooms is ready at the framers so she can see it. That is if I can catch Billy to get him back in his cage! He came out on his own yesterday but this morning Jess got him out of his cage and I can't get him back in! Lol!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Looks like we're in for another cold, blustery one!



Anonymous said...

I love the colour you're using for Quaker Christmas! When I eventually stitch this, I'm planning on using a red/green overdyed thread and I hope it looks as nice as yours :)

Lovely progress on Sea Stars too!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow both look fabulous!! I am really enjoying seeing sea stars grow.
Hope you managed to get Billy back in!

Julie said...

Great progress on SS and Quaker.

Enjoy your afternoon with Chris, say HI from me LOL

Karen said...

SS looks great I will stitch on it this afternoon as I was too tired tuesday

Karan said...

Sally, you have just got to teach Billy to chirp "Freedom" when he's loose. LOL ;0)
Love the red on QC, the softer tones really suit it, & it's coming on great. SS is just gorgeous. Would love to know all the colours you've used on it.

LoPeZ FaMiLy said...

Hi Sally,
I'm glad Abi is feeling a little better. You're coming along so great on those two. I especially love Sea Stars

Michele said...

nice bit of stitching this week! sorry the frog visited :(

Have fun with Chris!

Kim B said...

QC looks great with the color change! And your Ink Circles looks wonderful too!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Sally your Ink Circles is looking great!

Paula said...

Sally I love your Sea Stars it's growing so quickly for you well done.
Your Quaker Christmas is also gorgeous, the colour is gorgeous.
Hope you had a good afternoon with Chris..and hope DH got on well on his course...
Hugs and happy stitching....

Sue said...

Both of your WIP's are beautiful. I especially like Sea Stars, you chose great colors to do it in. Sorry the frog has been visiting, I'm having trouble with him too ;)

Anonymous said... enabler you!!! Now I NEED both Sea Stars and Quaker Christmas! lol

Twana said...

Both of your pieces look lovely.

Mylene said...

Both progres are looking great.
Sory though about the frogs...
Have a nice weekend.

Elisa said...

Wow your 2 WIP's are looking fantastic....was your piccie ready to collect??
It is cold and miserable here this morning too
Have a great weekend :0)

Christine said...

Darn those frogs! Sea Stars is amazing, and the quaker piece is looking great. Old World Red is one of my favourite colours too

Anonymous said...

Both your WIP's are gorgeous! Love the colour you're using for Quaker Christmas. :)

Hope Abi is feeling much, much better!

Samantha said...

Wow - Sea Stars is gorgeous Sally! You're using those smokin' needles again aren't you? ;o) Love your Quaker too.

sammyjo said...

Sea stars is looking great i really like the motif on the end its very pretty.

TeresaB said...

Wow! Sea Stars is coming along and looks lovely, as does your Quaker piece. Hope you had a great weekend!