Happy Birthday Jessica!!!!!!!!
My beautiful "not so little anymore" girl is "Sweet 16" today so please join me in wishing her a very Happy Birthday:) We have been so blessed to have a daughter like you and hope all your hopes and dreams come true for you sweetheart. I don't know where those 16 have gone!

Started 19 th July 2006
Finished 6th August 2007.
Artwork by Vicki Visconti-Tilley
18,150 stitches
It is for Jessica as she loves dragons. I'm not sure how it will be finished as yet as I want to do something different to framing maybe.
So I will replacing this with HAED quick Stitch Girly Gothic in my rotation and possibly be replacing Summer with Guardian but I am not sure yet about that. I might just carry on with that as and when in an afternoon if I get chance.
I am now into my third month on the chart stash wagon ( or stitching from chart stash as I prefer to call it!) and am doing really well. I do miss having stash through the post, I must admit, but I am not going to give in as I really don't want to feel a failure like I normally do. I have just bought some charms off a seller on Ebay that Dawn recommended to me and am waiting for those to arrive. They were posted last Friday but as Royal Mail are having strikes here and there they may take a while to arrive.
DH and I went out on Friday night; the first time we've been out as a couple for ages! He had seen a show, "In Dreams" advertised in one of the local papers and as he is a huge fan of 50's and 60's music he fancied going. I wasn't all that fussed if I'm honest but I am so pleased we went. The singers "impersonating" Buddy Holly, The Everly Brothers and Roy Orbison were absolutely brilliant as was another bloke whose name I can't remember! Lol! The guy doing Buddy Holly had appreared in Stars in Their Eyes and The Buddy musical. I must admit that I liked him best as I do have quite a soft spot for his music. It was shame that it hadn't been advertised very well as the place was only half full.
On Saturday we finally got to see Harry Potter and The Order of the Pheonix! I have been desperately trying to finish the book before seeing the film but I didn't quite manage it as I'd found it really hard to get in to and I really didn't enjoy it as much as I had the first 4 books so I was a bit unsure as to whether I would enjoy the film. I had heard many people say that it was quite dark, even more so than the last film but I didn't find it so. We all really enjoyed it although I will admit to being a bit scared right at the beginning when the dementors were attacking Harry and Dudley and I remember thinking to myself if this is what it's going to be like I'm not sure I want to sit through it! Lol! We're all looking forward to the next two films now although I must get the books read first this time! I was going to start book 6 but Abi has decided that, as she's seen the film, she's not reading book 5 and has started the 6th one! So I'll have to wait for her to finish that one before I can start it!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. We're spending much of the time just chilling or walking on the beach as it's too hot to do anything else! DH starts his hollidays next Monday and I think we're decorating Abi's bedroom! Not something we're looking forward to doing as it's the smallest bedroom and she has the most stuff!!!
Happy Birthday Jessica, hope you have a wonderful day
Dragonette is stunning Sally, well done on another HAED finish
Your new finish of Dragonette is wonderful - congratulations on another HAED HD!
Happy Birthday Jess! Hope you have a great day!
Congrats on finishing Dragonette, perfect timing for Jess' Birthday! Can't wait for you to start another HAED now lol.
Congrats on finishing Dragonette it looks fantastic and I am eager to see how you finish it.
Happy 16th Birthday to Jess. Hope she has a fantastic day.
Happy Birthday Jess, hope you have a lovely day.
Sally Dragonette is gorgeous and finished just in time for Jessica's birthday, bet she loves it. Have you decided the way to finish it yet? A nice cusion for her bed maybe? Although it would be lovely framed as well.
Happy stitching and huggles to you all....
Happy Birthday Jessica! May it be a special day.
Dragonette is lovely!
Happy Birthday Jessica! What a gorgeous finish - I am sure she will adore it!
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Congrats on your dragonette finish :)
Congratulations on the finish, it looks great! Check out Sudberry.com for finishing ideas, maybe a tray. You have a lovely daughter, mine will be 16 next April.
Happy Birthday Jessica!! Crumbs you are certainly on a roll with finishing things Sally. Well done on yet another stunning design. xx
Happy Birthday to Jessica! Lovely Heaven & Earth finish! Would make a great cushion for her newly decorated room ????
Happy birthday, Jessica! Congrats on your Dragonette finish!!!
Happy Birthday Jessica hope you have a great day
Happy Birthday to your DD, and I love Dragonette, it came out great ;)
Your dragon is so cute-congrats on the finish! Happy Birthday to Jessica!
Happy Birthday to your DD, time sure does fly. My DD turned 24 in June and it seems just the other day she was crawling along on the floor. Dragonette turned out very cute, congratulations on a lovely finish. Looking forward to Girly Gothic, HAED are all so pretty.
Happy Birthday Jessica!!!
Your finish is lovely and at 18,ooo+ stitches it's a quick stitch??? I'm not sure I have a HAED inside of me but admire you for doing them!!!
Happy Birthday Jessica! The do grow up quick don't they Sally :)
Congrats on another finish! It's really cute!
Ohhh and I heard that there are Tea designs coming from LHN .. not sure if it's after the coffee ones, or at the same time :)
Hope Jessica had a wonderful birthday, and I love the dragonette, well done ont he finish(it would have took me a lot longer to finish it lol)
"Happy Birthday Jessica"
Dragonette is great and I can't wait to see girly gothic in action! Caron Vinson and Molly Harrison are my fave haed artists!
Hope you had a lovely birthday Jessica! :o) What a lovely dragon your mum has stitched for you!!! (Congrats Sally) ;o)
Happy Birthday to Jessica! It's amazing how quick they grow up.
Love your latest finish. Wish I had the patience for HAED's.
Happy Birthday!! Jessica. HAED is amazing. Congrats!!
Belated birthday greatings to your sweet 16 year old Jessica. I am sorry it is late but I have hardly had any time on the computer this week.
Thank you so much Sally for your lovely birthday card and threads. It was a lovely suprise.
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