As promised I am back with some stitchy progress pics! No more fabby colours for you to look at! Lol!
First up for today is last Wednesday's progress on HAED Letter J. I did finish page 2 but didn't stitch anymore on it as I had to grid the next page then couldn't be bothered to add anymore stitches to it so I'll make a start on that page tonight:)

SAL Symphony was the next piece I worked on after the PS design I've finished but can't show yet. Unfortunately this photo doesn't do it justice at all. Isa gave us parts 8 and 9 on Monday so once I've got those stitched I'll be ready to show you the whole piece finished!

Sunday I was back to Blackbird Designs Blessings and Wishes. I decided to make a start on the verse this time and got about half of it done. Next Sunday I may go back to the house and get more of that stitched.

Finally Monday and last night I stitched on Bygone Stitches A Quaker Christmas which I am still loving so much. I am getting on quite well with this. You never know I might have it finished by 1st December! Lol!

I picked Ink Circles Sea Stars up from the framers yesterday. It should have been ready a while ago but John didn't have the framing in stock so I had to wait a little while longer. I don't mind as it was well worth the wait. I'm afraid the photo isn't that good.

I have Abi off school ill at the moment. School rang me last Thursday lunchtime to say she was unwell and she hasn't been back since. She's had headaches, been dizzy, felt sick, hot and cold. Anyway yesterday I took her to the doctors. She saw a 5th year medical student ( he was really nice) and then one of the doctors from the surgery. Her glands are up, her tonsils are slightly swollen and she has a temperature so they came to the conclusion that she's fighting a viral infection. I can't see her being back at school before half term so I rang school today to ask for some work for her as we were both concerned about her getting behind. Poor girl has felt so ill and has been so worried about how she was feeling she's been in tears. Finger's crossed she's feeling well enough to enjoy half term.
Thank you for all your input on the fabrics for my MM&I SAL. I am either going to go for Snow Storm or Dusk in an opalescent. I think I'm going to email Tracey at Silkweaver just to ask her advice as I'm worried that white won't show up on Snow Storm. Then I need to work out how much I need as I want to make sure I have enough for tweaks etc!
I'm impatiently waiting the arrival of the Just Cross Stitch ornaments magazine at the ONS I've pre-ordered it from. I was being patient before but now I just want it here!! LOL! Looking back at my blog last year it arrived at the end of October so still a while to go yet:(
That's me for today! Hope you are all having a wonderful week. I'm going to catch up on blog reading for a while now and see what you've all been up to!
Everything's looking so good Sally! Your framed SS looks amazing and QC will definitely be done this year, I'm sure of it :)
Hope Abi is feeling better soon.
What is the size of the letter J as it does look small and dinky?
Symphony sal looks great,and you seem to zooming along on the Blackbird design.
Quaker christmas, well!... nearly there!!! Getting ready for a HD!!
I love the frame and mount on the SS, Beautiful!!
Hope Abi is well soon, nothing worse than a poorly child!!
Good luck with the fabric,I can never choose as well,so many to choose from!!8-0
Wow SS looks fabulous all framed, you must be delighted. Your WIP's are coming along brilliant.
Hope Abi feels better soon xx
Oh my gosh! I am so far behind EVERYONE'S blogs - just popped over here and you have been so busy (as I had expected) - awesome work on them all!
I'm so sorry that Abi is ill, hope that she's all better soon!
Love that Symphony SAL piece. It's really lovely and I look forward to seeing it all finished :) Congrats on Ink looks wonderful in it's new frame!
And what great stitching it is!! Everything is gorgeous!!
SS looks wonderful, great choice of mount and frame. Quaker is almost there, i'm sure it'll be done before Dec 1st, you stitch so fast LOL. Loving this BBD too, its really pretty.
All pieces are very lovely. What a great finish on the Seastars, congrats, it looks great!
Everything looks great. SS is nicely framed, congrats! AQC I'm sure will be completed soon.
Sally, you seem to be stitching up a storm. Some great progress made.
hugs to you and Abi.
Beautiful, beautiful work Sally. Love the framed piece. Have you got it hanging yet?
Get well wishes to Abi.
You've been tagged.
Your stitching looks great! I love Sea Stars all framed up. Hope Abi is well soon.
Ooh Sally, you must be absolutely thrilled with Sea Stars, it looks wonderful! Great progress on your other pieces too.
I do hope Abi feels better soon!
Sally, that is not some ... I see that is a lot of stitching. U have done a lot of stitching progress, Love your Sea Stars very much.
My goodness...I should say some stitching!! WOW!!! You'll make it on the CQ...its getting really close. And boy o boy you are bamming along on the BBD...WOW on that too :)
I love sea circles all framed up...gorgeous Sally!
And I do hope that Abi feels better soon. I'm feeling poorly myself and it just takes a toll on a body.
Oh, my goodness, what lovely, lovely stitching!!! I love your progress on Blessings and Wishes... makes me want to start mine! ;-) It's so beautiful, Hun...
Letter J is coming along beautifully... and Symphony is just lovely!!! Quaker Christmas is almost done and my is it ever gorgeous! I love it... and your framed Sea Stars is Stunning!!! It's sooo gorgeous, Sweety... Beautiful stitching as always, my dear!
Sending Abi lots of healing thoughts, wishes and prayers... I hope she's on the mend and feeling much better soon! I know how worrisome it is when one of your own is ill and not feeling well... {{{Hugs}}}
I hope your JCS Ornie Issue arrives soon... it's a treasure!
Sending you Lots of Love and {{{Hugs}}}
Sea Stars looks fabulous framed up.
I am sure you will have QC finished in time for Christmas
WOW! Yo sure been busy, Sally. All projects are looking beautiful.
Hope Abi feels better very soon.
Your Letter J is lovely. It makes me want to pull out one of my HAED WIPS. And I just love your Blessings and Kind Wishes. I have this pattern on order and can't wait for it to get here. Sea Stars is just fabulous!
Ahhh lovely work as usual. I don't know wher you get the time to get so much done. I am extremely impressed with your quaker christmas. xx
Poor Abi - hope she's feeling much better soon.
All your WIP's are looking fantastic Sally - great progress on all of them. I know you so want to finish QC but please don't be too quick - will really miss it when it's completed.
The framer has done a geat job on SS.
Can't wait for the ornie mag either - shouldn't be long now. :0)
Some wonderful WIPs.
You have some beautiful WIPs on the go at the moment Sally.
Sorry Abi has been unwell there seems to be quite a few viral symptoms doing the rounds but all involve sore throats and swollen glands.
I hope Abi gets better soon!!!
All of your WIPs are looking great!
wooo hooo! your wips are looking great! Every time I see Quaker Christmas I drool! I just love the colors you are using :)
Congrats on getting SS framed! Looks wonderful :)
Hope Abi starts feeling better soon!
wow i love the finish on ink CSS it looks great!
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