GCSE results day is here and DH and I are very proud parents today! Jessica's GCSE results were nothing short of brilliant! She got an A* in History, 9 A's ( 2 in IT, English Language, English Literature, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, RE, and French which she did last year), 2 B's in Physics and Citizenship, a C in Italian ( which was only about a 6 month course) and a D in Art. She is very pleased but disappointed in the D in Art as she thought she might get a C. So she is now clear to go into 6th Form and study Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Biology starting 10th September. She has to go in on 4th September and enrol and have a 10 minute meeting with the head of the 6th Form. We'll be celebrating her achievements at some point but it won't be tonight as DH is going to a speedway meeting at Sheffield which is a benefit night for Garry Stead who was recently paralysed in a speedway accident.
The holidays have been a bit of a wash out really as far as going out is concerned but we have managed one day out so far! On Tuesday we went across the country to Knowsley Safari Park and had a fantastic day out. I will have some photos at a later date when we get the films developed. Unfortunately the digital camera batteries ran out before we had a chance to take any decent photos! We were lucky enough to see a new born buffalo out in one of the fields. It was still very wet and very wobbly on it's legs! Lol! It was lovely too see all the different animals in as natural a habitat as possible. I will add some photos when I get them back.
Tomorrow we are going into Hull as I think the girls would like a bit of a shop up and we still need to get some uniform bits for Abi and stuff for Jess. Saturday we're going to Cruckley Farm. As old as they are the girls still love seeing farm animals etc and it's years since we last went there as we've always gone to Honeysuckle Farm which is just outside of where we live. Keep your finger's crossed that the weather is good!
Some of you have asked for piccies of Abi's bedroom so I took a few with the digi camera. Wish we had a better one as the pics are not brilliant!
I haven't got a great deal of stitching done this week due to a tension headache plus I found a
mistake on La D Da's Love is Patient when the heart border did not meet at the top. When I have had my stitching out I've been unpicking a bit then stitching it back up until I found where the mistake was, which, as it turned out, was about 3/4 of the way back round the heart! As you can imagine I was not too pleased but it's done now and I'm onto the wording. This is stitched using one strand of Crescent Colours on 28 count Sassy's Fabbys Cheryl's Wild Rose which a beautiful colour. I might do a bit more on this tonight or I might get HAED Guardian back out. Tomorrow is the start of the New Start SAL on the HAED board so I'm taking part and starting quick Stitch Girly Gothic. I am all ready to go barring gridding my fabric so I might do that tonight too!
Well I had better go as I think DH is in a mood with me:( Hope everyone is having a brilliant week and thanks for reading and commenting:)